How important is it to work out your legs?

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Everywhere I look guys have big upper bodies but small ass legs. Are they prone to leg locks and knee bars?
As long as you do some running on a treadmill your legs will be fine; maybe mix it up with some soccer or basketball to get smoe extra leg work.
Legs are the least important part, what you want is big biceps, horseshoe triceps, and a massive chest. Just don't wear shorts.
that depends if you want to actually be strong or just look like it
How important is it to read the faq?
Jogging is all you need. Make sure your headband, armband, and purse match your order to increase your chances of mating with members of the same sex.

...Or you just put a Post-It note on the back of your shorts saying

Jogging is all you need. Make sure your headband, armband, and purse match your order to increase your chances of mating with members of the same sex.

...Or you just put a Post-It note on the back of your shorts saying


omgitsrick nice av...great movie, makes you wanna go kill a man and eat his pineal gland....anyways I agree with the guy who said it depends if you wanna look strong or actually be strong
you don't need to train your legs. just add some sets on these kick ass calve machines to your workout. when it is getting hotter you just wear shorts were you can only see the calves and not the rest of your legs. you will be fine.
If you're using a treadmill, as advised (excellently I might add), try taking some light dumbells on there and curling away while you're jogging. GET THOSE ARMS PUMPED BABY!
If you're using a treadmill, as advised (excellently I might add), try taking some light dumbells on there and curling away while you're jogging. GET THOSE ARMS PUMPED BABY!

Curling while jogging? I'm confused, how do I set up the preacher curl bench to do that?
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