how does this sound?



hey guys, i just came up with a new routine for myself, but wasnt so sure about my bicep/tricep workout how does this sound?

reverse barbell curl 3x 6-8
Upright barbell rows 3x 5-6
incline dumbell press 3x 5-6
overhead shoulder press 3x 5-6
Bent arm barbell pullover 3x 6-8

i added the reverse barbell curls, because i wanted to work on my forarms as well.

i also do dips and chin ups but they are on my chest and back day which i do usually four-5 days after my bicep/tricep workout.
what are your goals?

i believe it is the general consensus of the forum is that isolation exercises are of dubious merit, as are tricep/bicep days. that said, your rep range looks cool, and this routine is short on cable-concentration curls. but why overhead and incline in the same "tricep" work out? are you starting the work out with curls?

in my own personal experience i find that bent over rows, pull ups, dips, and bench pressing have done more for my arms than curls, etc...
Or lower body work, posterior chain, and no core work. That routine needs a ton of work man. Stickies, Urban's site, Carnal's Treatise, READ. NOW!
Wrecking Ball said:
Or lower body work, posterior chain, and no core work. That routine needs a ton of work man. Stickies, Urban's site, Carnal's Treatise, READ. NOW!
like i said, this is only my bicep/tricep routine. I already have a leg routine with squats and everything.
Do you know what you are working out with these exercises?

reverse barbell curl - forearms
Upright barbell rows - traps, delts
incline dumbell press - delts, chest, tris, etc.
overhead shoulder press - delts, tris
Bent arm barbell pullover - lats

So for your "bi and tri" day you are only hitting your tris and it's not from direct work.
niagareven said:
Do you know what you are working out with these exercises?

reverse barbell curl - forearms
Upright barbell rows - traps, delts
incline dumbell press - delts, chest, tris, etc.
overhead shoulder press - delts, tris
Bent arm barbell pullover - lats

So for your "bi and tri" day you are only hitting your tris and it's not from direct work.

This is wrong.

The reverse barbell curls will work your biceps in addition to your forearms, and the rows will work your biceps as well.

But all except for the first and last lifts are compound (the DB/Machine Pullover works the chest and serratus, BTW, I don't know what the hell it's doing in this workout), so if this is your bicep/tri day, what do you do on your chest & back days? You're probably hitting the same muscle groups with too little rest.
Butcher101 said:
like i said, this is only my bicep/tricep routine. I already have a leg routine with squats and everything.

I don't know, but let's see if anyone else here agrees with me. Why work biceps and triceps on the same day ?
Many guys are still blinded by the bodybuilding concept of splitting routines by bodyparts. IMHO, it would be better to do splits by movements ( push, pull, vertical plane, horizontal plane)

FCFighter316 said:
I didn't know people on this forum still refer to their workouts by the diff body parts! Push Pull Squat will put you on the right track.
I would have to agree with FCFighter316. The only reason you could possibly have for direct work is if that area is lagging behind the rest and holding you back on you important lifts.