How do you mack?


Mar 15, 2015
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For some of the less street-wise folks: If you like a girl and you wanna talk to her, what do you say?
How do you say anything when you never get outside of the house? We're sherdoggers mate.
But being 6'7, 320lbs, jacked probably helps, they just flock to us.
I make an observation about something she just did to make her feel self conscious.
First I miggity miggity miggity and NEVER wiggity wiggity wiggity.
This is how i got misses fett 12 years ago:
Me: you got crabs?
MF: No! :confused:
Me: you want 'em?
18 months later we got married
Hey girl, if I promise to just let you rob my punk ass, mark ass, trick ass, bitch made self, will you lemme fuck you? Pretty Please?
"Do you like stuff?"
For some of the less street-wise folks: If you like a girl and you wanna talk to her, what do you say?

I don’t talk to Random’s and

I literally just say hello. Girls aren’t that stupid where the words you say matter that much. They’re attracted to your body language or physicality.
Complement the things around her like
“Man, that is some good looking linoleum.” “ phew this air conditioner is average I feel comfortable.”
Build up to talking about regular topics to start a conversation.
“ have you ever noticed how grilled cheese is like a non Mexican version of a quesadilla?” “ pornography has gotten good lately.” “ don’t you hate it how people judge you for prior criminal convictions without getting to know you first” that last one is. Great if you meet her on a bus.

Finallly and this the key. Keep some fruit on your person at all times. Sounds crazy but sloots love fruit and eating healthy so showing them you have fruit on you shows you have a natural health sense. Maybe keep 3-4 or four grapes in a pocket or half a strawberry in a shirt pocket so you seem health conscious but not gluttonous.
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I just walk up to them and smile, I quietly whisper in their ear that I belong to Sherdog......SPLOOSH....

Make sure you're in control of the conversation, don't give any cringe compliments (girls get attention allll day long, especially if they are hot) you need to show that you can take it or leave it. Be nice/funny but also totally carefree.

Also don't refer to it as "macking"
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Lighthearted teasing. Call it back a few times while mixing in parts of our conversation to show her I'm listening. Usually impressive and makes them laugh. Ice broken.
I don't think I've used that term since the 90s
First you gotta do is throw all that alpha, beta, mack, PUA shit out the window. Stop trying to overcompensate and rehearse silly lines, it reeks of desperation and girls smell that shit a mile away.

Don't rush things. Just talk if you feel like there's somethin say or you sense a connection. Say hello without necessarily expecting more and just be relaxed about it. The more you try to be something you are not the more desperate you will seem. Most importantly, don't put them on a pedestal, treat them like normal humans. Because that's what they are.