How do you like to watch UFC?

Alone with Dasani on the side.

I don’t like watching with people, you miss too much activity from them talking over shit or by you having to explain something.
Alone on my stupidly large TV with no distractions or company. I certainly won't go to a bar and really have no desire to see it live.
I like watching alone with some weed, rarely with some beers but I feel like I miss alot when I drink.
I'd like to avoid being hungover for once while watching fights. I could try to stay sober on Friday then get wasted while watching the next card. But last time I did that, I apparantly posted porn in the PBP thread and woke up with dubs. Thats a thinker.
By myself so I don't have to tell anyone else to shut up.
With an 8 ball on the table, a beer in my hand and sherdog open for commentary and preferably no one there except my girlfriend who likes to comment it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't punch each other in the face.
I watch UFC cards mainly on my Gameboy Advance.