I'm sure.
And you said "Protein requirements are grossly exaggerrated"
You can meet your Protein requirements without powder.
And PUO already pointed out the hole in your statement about it being bad for you because it's "Made in a lab"
Tylenol is made in a lab, it's not bad for you.
Go google a way to make a valid point and stop listening to your vegan coach.[/QUOTE
To argue with you I would have to spend several hours researching university's databases.
What, you really can't believe I eat wild caught salmon..?
When a child is growing, all he eats is mother's milk.... which has 1.1 grams of protein per 100 grams ( actually i thought its 6%), and thats when we grow the most. Why on earth do you think we suddenly need to consume so much protein? And if you want to argue - well, fine - link me a proper study that shows the protein requirements for adults, and is not based on a study about 12 college students.
Bread is just carbs with not a lot of minerals or nutrients left. It has been proven to decay teeth even in little kids, it is made out of wheat or other grains, that not all humans can properly digest and quite a lot are allergic too.
Not to mention heavy use of pesticides or the flour kept in poor conditions for a long time, or high heat that is needed to bake the bread. Please show me the health benefits of eating bread, as opposed to eating vegetables for example.
And milk.. what seriously ?
Here is Herbert Shelton's article on milk, while, yes, its not 100% accurate, it sums up nicely with what is wrong with milk. Did he mention extensive use of artificial hormones in milk industry? Please let me know if not.
Again, bodybuilding has influenced science of nutrition way too much. Yes, there are supplements that may help - Vitamin D - we dont get enouhg sunlight, probiotics, Fish oil ( to level out the balance between omega=6 and omega-3 ). You don't need most supplements. Remember how many myths were busted in recent years.