How did you find the Berry?


Steel Belt
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm surprised there is almost zero MMA talk/references/anecdotes in the Berry seeing as first and foremost this is an MMA website. I've also never seen a lot of you in the heavies. Do any of you not even follow MMA and if not how did you end up here?
I'm surprised there is almost zero MMA talk/references/anecdotes in the Berry seeing as first and foremost this is an MMA website. I've also never seen a lot of you in the heavies. Do any of you not even follow MMA and if not how did you end up here?

we don't remember

I don't really follow MMA. Years ago i saw some MMA highlights videos that had the Sherdog logo on, and I came over and checked out the forums. Noticed that the non-MMA forums were pretty active and entertaining.

Lurked Off Topic/War Room for years and eventually joined during "Me and my boys up in Jersey" guido thread simply to mock these ass clowns. Been here since.
We probably almost all initially came for the Heavies and settled here after realizing how bad it is there. I was there around the TUF Noob era, it's gotten exponentially worse since then. I don't even remember what I first saw in the Berry. It might have been a few years after I joined, but guys like Reverend Black, Spoken, and I think N13 were really cool to hear from. Mayberry was a good place around that time, it's a shame Rev selfdestructed. Kansas was a big figure at that time too and he was such a cool dude, it was such a welcoming place then with a lot of good discussions. I miss those times.
cant remember. i used to post only in the heavies naturally before finding all the other subs.

mayberry has got a bit quiet, well compared to a few years ago. but i still post here the most and just shit post in the heavies.
Hopefully you’re still at least 6’2” barefoot , 230+ and can bench 265.

If not, you gotta go.

I don't really follow MMA. Years ago i saw some MMA highlights videos that had the Sherdog logo on, and I came over and checked out the forums. Noticed that the non-MMA forums were pretty active and entertaining.

Lurked Off Topic/War Room for years and eventually joined during "Me and my boys up in Jersey" guido thread simply to mock these ass clowns. Been here since.
I still watch the big events but over the last year or two I lost a lot of interest in MMA. From like 08-16 I was huge into it... Watched every event even had the fightpass thing.

I use to post in the UFC discussion only then one day just checked this place out. I post here now and only there every now and then. This, the video game and picture area is where it is at.
stand up forum and ufc discussion got repetitive so i drifted over here
I compare it similarly to stepping on was an accident
Used to post only in the heavies, the general discussion forum I used to post on died and I drifted here during the SW discussion heyday and been hanging around since.
You don't find the berry, the berry finds you.

I still follow mma but not anywhere near like I once did and don't really watch the shows anymore. Sometimes I watch highlights and maybe even the occasional fight but haven't watched a full event in a long time.
I don't remember ... one day I just was
You don't find the berry, the berry finds you.

I still follow mma but not anywhere near like I once did and don't really watch the shows anymore. Sometimes I watch highlights and maybe even the occasional fight but haven't watched a full event in a long time.
For me it's been since Mcneverdefend became a thing so I've barely been in the loop for a while