How did you discover Santa was fake?

I think I found out at school when I was in 1st grade; don't remember, didn't really care at the time. But when I found out pro wrestling was fake, well that was a bummer.

me: mom, bret hart just won!
family friend: you know that's fake right?
me: uh.... .... ... yeah.

I then walked away awkwardly
My mom told me. She said she didn't want some fat guy taking credit for the gifts she was giving me every year, lol
It's still real to me damn it!

When the Santa at the mall was like 30 and his beard was halfway off and clean shaven under, I actually saw that picture a few days ago when I stumbled upon some old albums and it looked even sloppier in the picture than in real life.
My friend told me around grade 3

I didn't believe him because I saw a fake news broadcast that said 2 f14s were following santas sleigh and I believed it.

Then I finally came around lol
I don't remember ever really believe in Santa...i was never a moron, and i guess i knew when i saw my dads face behind that fake cheap ass white beard.
Kept the fire on all night. No way was he gettin down without a burnt arse
I think it was a slow process as opposed to one day just realizing.
I found all of my presents one year in the attic. I knew then someone was pulling a ruse on me. I think they still tried to convince me those were just gifts from them and Santa would bring more. He didn't. The gig was up.

After that, I was a little asshole every year who had to find presents early and carefully peel back corners of the wrapping paper to see what was inside.
How can you be over the age of 7 and believe in flying reindeer?
We all get to that age, where we just figure out that it's a bunch of BS lol..
That's how I found out...Common sense.
As a kid I always like to hid and try to scare people like my parents and a go-to was always hid behind the door that was being opened and pop out after they passed by. Well one day my sister and a neighborhood friend were having a sleepover. The friend lost a tooth that day and her mom came over to tell my mom, "Hey my daughter lost her tooth today, here is a dollar would you mind playing tooth fairy tonight"

Well I was hiding behind the door and when my mom closed the door my face was that of pure shock and my mom's face was "ahhh shit...." and I just go "There is no tooth fairy? Wait... there's no Santa?! ... wait! ...There is no easter bunny?!??" Beyond being impressed that I made all those connections that fast the gig was up.
Family Fued episode. It was like a team of monks. Question was something along the lines of make believe things kids believe in,...guess what the number 1 answer was? I was pissed.
Found out when I was 7 or 8. My cousin showed me this strange conspiracy article about how Santa was created by the coca cola company and the federal government. Where my cousin got that article, I'm still not sure....