How did the alt-right became more popular than the tea party


Green Belt
Nov 23, 2009
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The teat party movement looked like a populism one, centered on attacking obama and even some Republicans. It took off on the news and got some people worried about it. It's basically gone now, and the shift seems to be the alt right with numerous of them in the current administration and popular on the internet.

Here's some help on their rise:
"Amid an investigation into Russian meddling in the last U.S. presidential election, a Russian propaganda Twitter network aimed at American audiences consistently spreads links to Breitbart and other right-wing or conspiracy theory websites that boost President Trump and bash Democrats."

I'm not on some russians bashing fest but its really concerning their power.
More popular among whom? It's a much bigger umbrella that gets more media coverage and people seem to have no problem just calling people "alt right" who don't consider themselves as such. They call Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Jordan Peterson alt right ffs.
More popular among whom? It's a much bigger umbrella that gets more media coverage and people seem to have no problem just calling people "alt right" who don't consider themselves as such. They call Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Jordan Peterson alt right ffs.
Among the republican base, wasnt rand Paul their front runner? Well he didn't acomplish much. And you're wrong, for some conservatives being called alt-right is offensive as they see just bunch of neo-nazis.
More popular among whom? It's a much bigger umbrella that gets more media coverage and people seem to have no problem just calling people "alt right" who don't consider themselves as such. They call Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Jordan Peterson alt right ffs.
No, people like you attach vague criticism to a nebulous "they" to stoke fears of an unspecified group, unlike alt-right, who have demonstrated (by establishing a strong base for Trump whoreshippers-er-worshippers) that they have a significant presence in American politics.

They got there with the money of people like Robert Mercer and the propaganda sites like Brietbart, along with the aforementioned spamming of bs on social media by the Russians and others. The fact that the Russian strategy matched so well with Bannon's is highly suspect IMO.
Trump winning the election magnified all this "alt right" BS...Liberals simply can't accept the fact that of all people, Trump is now the POTUS...Trump was the dagger that pierced through the heart of the liberals...I have never seen so much meltdown in the history of elections..

My guess is because people really do prefer government and more. From what I read the Tea parry is anti government but once you ave power why support making it weaker? Alt rigt seems to want strength government once they take power. Is this right?

Lol at blaming Russian bots for it
Because the concept of the alt-right is about identity politics and people prefer to discuss identity politics -us vs. them is easy, it's simple and accessible. Although, given recent revelations, it's entirely possible that both the "alt-right" and it's opposition have grown to prominence because of clever social media manipulation by foreign governments.

The tea party was primarily about government, not people. Government action and government responsibility. But that's not easy to discuss, it's not simple so it's harder for it to hold the public's attention over long stretches of time.

Plus, the GOP abandoned it's principles when Obama won 2 terms. They became more focused on winning the next election, regardless of how. I'm pissed that we used tax cuts to balloon the debt by a trillion dollars and are now planning on adding more debt during 2018 and 2019. But then we're going to turn around and complain that we don't have money for helping poor Americans while we scream about the importance of Christian values. It's rampant hypocrisy throughout the party. At least Grover Norquist held them to a consistent standard.

EdIt: I should I add that I wasn't a huge fan of the Tea Party because they were too black/white in how they viewed federal spending, killing good legislation because it required funding yet keeping expensive old legislation because it already existed.
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The Tea Party was never a movement that was made to last. It lacked the identity, funding, ideological foundation, or institutional support that would carry it into the future. Instead it was co-opted and then flared out like a child that was too tired to keep throwing a temper tantrum.
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I've always seen the Tea Party as a precursor to the alt-right.
The alt-right is the younger ideological right throwing up it's hands and saying "Fine, if you guys are going to play tribal politics, I guess we have to adopt them as well"

Most are disillusioned libertarians who grew up a little while Barack Obama was president and realized that they're the only people even remotely interested in morally defending yeoman-agrarian forms of organizing society.
Tea-party was initially anti-republican AND democrat. It was against the big banks colluding with our government. They changed quickly when establishment conservative donors bought it and redirected it. Tea-party was cool for a couple weeks, then turned into the absolute worst establishment conservatism has to offer. Even brainwashed fox news fan of 10-15 years ago can't keep being THAT stupid.
The alt-right is the younger ideological right throwing up it's hands and saying "Fine, if you guys are going to play tribal politics, I guess we have to adopt them as well"

Most are disillusioned libertarians who grew up a little while Barack Obama was president and realized that they're the only people even remotely interested in morally defending yeoman-agrarian forms of organizing society.
Good one. You really have me LOL'ing at the idea the alt-right is motivated by morality.
Reminder nobody ever heard of the “alt right” until Hillary blamed them for her loss.

Keep parroting that tired old bird...
I think you underestimate the fox audience.

Well, seeing how easy it was for the other side to make idiot zombie followers out of those who like rhetoric the other way, I think maybe I was too hard on those fox news idiots.
Well, seeing how easy it was for the other side to make idiot zombie followers out of those who like rhetoric the other way, I think maybe I was too hard on those fox news idiots.

Huh? The left/right dichotomy that Americans think in is useless.
What and who is the alt right.

The left uses alt right for Nazis and then any one that disagreed with their view.
What and who is the alt right.

The left uses alt right for Nazis and then any one that disagreed with their view.

The alt-right is a term coined by Richard Spencer. It applies to movements associated with his ideology. It's by no means all republicans.

And yes, the alt-right includes several Nazi groups.

Peterson are often referred to as the alt-lite to distinguish them from the more extreme groups.
When the economy went belly up, it became too expensive to keep buying tri-corner hats to the Tea Party kind of fizzled out due to that.