How Did He Do This?

We say coke. For every kind of soda. No bullshit you go into a restaurant and say "I'll have a coke." They say "what kind, sprite, pepsi, fanta, mr. pibb?"

So when you order a Mountain dew, do they ask what kind? As in Coke, Dr. Pepper, Fanta, Sprite.
It must be a 1 brand fits all approach.

What happens when go to shoe store and ask for Nike?
Do they ask what kind?
As if Nike means Adidas, Reebok, New Balance, Fila, Puma, Asics.

1 brand fits all in Alabama
Those would have to be some pretty good robotic hands to appear like they're picking a lock. I think too much would be riding on it for a television appearance to possible machine error. I think someone was in the red cart when they brought it out, the double enters the box, magician enters the red cart, magician crosses street while double picks lock and hides in stacked pallets, which remain suspended (as noted by previous poster earlier.) Otherwise, why wouldn't they have just dropped the whole contraption? Only one reason to keep the pallets intact.

Pretty sure those two chains (maybe there's more) attached to the box are what are making the hands move (he's probably jiggling them at the beginning until he gets into the toolbox).

It's fairly obvious the hands are fake straight away, and the phone video does not match the movement of the hands at all. They also 'unlock' the handcuffs and then spends ages waving around before withdrawing (you can also see the chains wiggling suspiciously at this point in time). I suspect the hands get drawn into the pallet or something when the crate drops.

Wheeled away in toolbox, he probably has an extra 30 seconds or so (so 100 seconds total) to get wheeled out (the guy is moving the toolbox off at quite a lick), then piss-bolts to the other building where he either has a lift waiting or high-tails it up the stairs. It doesn't look that far away.

Video is pre-recorded and cuts out at 5 seconds.

Some illusion tricks are very impressive - I didn't really think that one was.
But then again I do rock a mun so I'd prob get lynched before I even made it to a McD's.

lol yeah bro, you rock a mun in Tuscaloosa and start talking bout sodas, you will never make it out of Tuscaloosa I promise you :)

So when you order a Mountain dew, do they ask what kind? As in Coke, Dr. Pepper, Fanta, Sprite.
It must be a 1 brand fits all approach.

1 brand fits all in Alabama

Nah bro. Mountain Dew is specific, it's mountain dew. But Coke is generic for every kind of soda. And if you order tea, it's gonna be sweet tea and it's never gonna be that raspberry bullshit they do in other regions. It's gonna be tea with like a pound of sugar in it.

I'm from Texas, so maybe its a southern thing. I grew up calling it a basketball goal and saying coke instead of soda. I think people would immediately know you're not from around here if you said pop or soda.

AH yes! Thank you!!!
I didn't notice the red cart until i rewatched it, nice.

LOl. I recognized it as a tool cart immediately and it made wonder why they needed a cart that Roy Nelson could fit into for a cordless drill and some screws.

The guy doing the carpentry wasn't much of a misdirection (which i have long thought would make a great name for a female rapper - Miss Direction)
there's no way those are fake hands. I'm most impressed by how he managed to get on top of the other building in such a short time.