How bad is the pollution in your City?


Titanium Belt
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Here in Manila it can get so bad that some bus drivers have to put on masks.

There are also lots of old diesel trucks and busses to the point it stains the buildings dark gray

No problems here.


I checked for your city too


I will point out that these are based on people opinions and not official rankings. People can check their own cities here:
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Mexico City brah.

We now have an ordinance that is called 'No Circula' or 'Doesn't transit', which basically means you can't drive your car one day of the week. It is sorted by last digit on your license plate. Mine ends in 2 so I can't use it on Thursdays. If they see your car on the street, its a huge ass fine and they take it to the pound for a couple of days.

A couple of weeks ago air pollution got so bad that they doubled this ordinance and you couldn't drive 2 days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday and the third Saturday of each month). This applies to every car in Mexico City.

Problem is, public transportation sucks and is overcrowded as it is. It got so bad during those days that there were stories of people fist fighting for a cab and so forth, Uber rates were 9.9x times the usual, lots of people missed work, flights, etc. They had to go back to single No Circula.

Good times.
I heard it was somewhat bad but I don't see here in Portland. I'm originally from southern California so when the hipsters complain about the polluted air I just ignore them.
Not as bad as that third world shit you guys live in. But given that Sacramento is in a valley, the smog tends to coalesce here until there is some strong wind to blow it out. It's not too bad. But if you are ever driving here from the mountains, you can clearly see a big brown cloud over the city.
Mexico City brah.

We now have an ordinance that is called 'No Circula' or 'Doesn't transit', which basically means you can't drive your car one day of the week. It is sorted by last digit on your license plate. Mine ends in 2 so I can't use it on Thursdays. If they see your car on the street, its a huge ass fine and they take it to the pound for a couple of days.

A couple of weeks ago air pollution got so bad that they doubled this ordinance and you couldn't drive 2 days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday and the third Saturday of each month). This applies to every car in Mexico City.

Problem is, public transportation sucks and is overcrowded as it is. It got so bad during those days that there were stories of people fist fighting for a cab and so forth, Uber rates were 9.9x times the usual, lots of people missed work, flights, etc. They had to go back to single No Circula.

Good times.

Wow, amazing.

Are there other major sources of pollution other than vehicles? Like industry?
I live in a very small walley. Less then 5000 lives here.

Fresh air. :D
Ya know, they say the fucking sunsets in fucking LA are so fucking beautiful because of all the fucking smog.
In my city , i would even say country , environmental pollution is not the biggest issue ... the biggest issue is the polluted minds
Wow, amazing.

Are there other major sources of pollution other than vehicles? Like industry?

Not really. There is little to no industry in the metropolitan area. It's just 30 million people happening.

Air sucks, traffic sucks, humidity and heat sucks.
I'm in a small town in Southern Georgia, USA. Virtually no pollution and fresh air everyday, except for the pollen in spring. It gets so thick here in spring that the gutters are yellow after it rains.
I live on the Illinois/Wisconsin border on the Illinois side. There is no noticeable pollution.
Up here in my neck of the woods, pollution is non existent. Btw, i just jogged 8 miles in glacier ntl park- fresh air, clean water, and fresh beer- life is good.
My small shit town has an oil refinery (that I work at) and the smells that come from that place are putrid. Also a few stinking mills and several other places that could gag a maggot.
China has the worst air pollution in the world.