Social House floor erupts after GOP lawmaker shouts ‘Go back to Puerto Rico’

Some context about Jason Smith

This piece of trash’s family owns some of the most inhumane puppy mills in the state. He tried gutting the animal cruelty act in regards to this industry his family is involved in. Repeatedly violating USDA guidlines for over a decade said the humane society.

Just some context of this piece of shits background
Imagine a Hawaiian person tells a white person to "Go back to Iowa". Would it be reasonable to assume that his comment was racially motivated?

Possibly. We have to dig deep to find the truth of such statements and not freak out like snowflake millenials.
Mmm... Some of yall on the left acting like all them dems going to PR wasnt to lock down cheap land for them to vacation to.

PR has gone broke and are about to start selling off land to pay off their debt to america.

Like Michigan is about to do with China.

Stop seeing race in every thing.
Nevermind misread who the yeller was bork1}
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if this doesn’t work out, I’m sure Boston would welcome this Congressman with open arms