HIV or Cancer?

HIV or Cancer

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Inhaling from the Six Demon Bag.
Nov 22, 2010
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I have 2 friends who have recently found out they are ill.

One has found out they have HIV and the other has found out they have cancer (though aren't sure to what extent when writing this).

Both have taken the news surprisingly well and joke with each other that they wish they had the others illness.

So, which would you rather have?

HIV (doesn't know how long he's had it or how he contracted it, but it's not full blown AIDS) or cancer (not sure if it is terminal).

HIV guy is 37, Cancer guy is 35.
Jesus is wrong with you?

I'l take hiv
Whatever Magic Johnson has, that guy looks great.
Definitely the HIV. That shit is pretty much a non-issue anymore.
Definitely the HIV. That shit is pretty much a non-issue anymore.

Non-issue? I wouldn't lick a toilet seat that just got used by an aids sufferer. A cancer sufferer though it's like whatever
Non-issue? I wouldn't lick a toilet seat that just got used by an aids sufferer. A cancer sufferer though it's like whatever
HIV is not AIDS. And HIV pretty much never becomes AIDS any more these days. As long as it's treated it's just something that you live with.
You should get cleaner friends. I mean seriously...what sort of company do you keep? Are you homeless? Or friends with a lot of homosexual drug users?
If I had cancer I’d have sex with a bunch of people so they got cancer too.
I'd rather have cancer. Nobody ever got pity-pussy for having Diet-AIDS.
Very sorry to hear about your friends, I hope they are able to treat it and be well.

I guess it depends what kind of cancer but I think I would rather have HIV. The treatment itself is a pain in the ass, sex would never be the same and social stigma is fucking real but at least is not as deadly than let's say brain cancer.
Imagine having to tell chicks you want to fuck that you have HIV. Fuck that.
what kind of fucked up thread is this, this is light hearted mayberry take this garbage to the OT