Hitto is winning his second gold in the olympics2020

When is the final where he competes?
(Like, in how many hours and/or minutes)
That’s really nice.
BTW, what’s his real name? Didn’t find nothing searching “Hitto olympic games” on google.
A full page of posts and not a single person bitching about this being in the wrong forum. Good on you sherdog.
I see he uses his picture in his av… but is it really him?
I mean, I admire Benjo Franklin, but I’m not him lol.
I don't know how good Sadulaev's english is (because Hitto's is good) but i don't believe they're the same person, although it'd be absolutely hilarious if it was the case, because i'm not sure how familiar you are with Hitto as a poster, but he's one of the biggest and most iconic trolls on this forum.
The shitstorms between him and hardcore Conor fans are something else!<45>
Hitto means damn in finish. So I kinda guessed he was a fin. No idea where the Conor hate and everything Muslim love came from. So maybe not.
Maybe he ran out of material when Conor got ko'ed?