[Historians] Battles worth studying?

Combat Squirrel

Blue Belt
Jun 23, 2013
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Title says it all.

Not looking for hero stories but clever tactics and strategy. Can be ancient or modern, symmetrical or asymmetrical warfare, any culture or nation.

E.g. the battle of Cannae.
cold war in a global context
On a serious note, Battle of the Bulge, Operation Barbarossa during WWII, the landing at INchon during the KOrean war, the Tet Offensive, were all incredibly fascinating.


The Battle of Dorylaeum took place during the First Crusade on July 1, 1097, between the crusaders and the Seljuk Turks, near the city of Dorylaeum in Anatolia.

The first major field battle I know of between the Central Asian Turks with their horse archer traditions and highly skilled Western European knights fighting in the classic medieval style with heavy armor and lance. It was a closely contested affair with high casualties on both sides.
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The Battle of Inchon (Korean: 인천 상륙 작전, Incheon Sangnyuk Jakjeon) was an amphibious invasion and battle of the Korean War that resulted in a decisive victory and strategic reversal in favor of the United Nations. The operation involved some 75,000 troops and 261 naval vessels, and led to the recapture of the South Korean capital of Seoul two weeks later.[3] The code name for the operation was Operation Chromite.
Hannibal's victory at the battle of Cannae. IMO one of the best, if not best, displays of military leadership in a battle.

In September 1561, Uesugi Kenshin left his Kasugayama fortress with 18,000 warriors, determined to destroy Takeda Shingen. He left some of his forces at Zenkoji, but took up a position on Saijoyama, a mountain to the west of, and looking down upon, Shingen's Kaizu castle.


Kōsaka Danjo Masanobu left Kaizu with 8,000 men, advancing up Saijoyama under cover of night, intending to drive Kenshin's army down to the plain where Takeda Shingen would be waiting with another 8,000 men ... However, whether via spies in Kaizu or scouts looking down from Saijoyama, Kenshin guessed Shingen's intentions, and led his own men down to the plain. Kenshin descended from Saijoyama by its western flanks. Instead of fleeing Kosaka's dawn attack, Uesugi Kenshin's army crept down the mountain, quietly using bits of cloth to deaden the noise of the horse's hooves. With the beginning of dawn, Shingen's men found Kenshin's army ready to charge at them

The retreat from the Chosin Resevoir is also well worth studying. Retreats are not particularly glamorous, but that is where an army's organization and discipline is really put to the test. Retreating in good order is extremely hard, let alone breaking out of an encirclement while doing so and inflicting heavy casualties on the opponent.
Thermopylae, Waterloo, The Vesuvius battle in the Third Servile War is cool too
The street battles fought in Rome, Milan, Palermo e.c.t between the Italian working class, and Mussolini's black shirts, backed by the pro- fascist police.
August 29 1997 At 2:14 a.m Wordwide

Skynet became self-aware immediately commencing in all out nuclear missile exchanges throughout the continents with the human casualty rate at 3 billion in a matter of days - which would gravely be known to this day as Judgment Day.

Cue T:2 opening soundtrack.
Much less known fronts of the first world war. Italian retarded entry and battles of Isonzo that followed are good places to start.
This is also an intredaster battle between the Mongols and their traditional enemy the chinese


Mongols are commonly revered as being the fiercest of the medievel armies because they conquered such a huge empire that is unparalleled even today. Well, they had their toughest battle against the chinese.
August 29 1997 At 2:14 a.m Wordwide

Skynet became self-aware immediately commencing in all out nuclear missile exchanges throughout the continents with the human casualty rate at 3 billion in a matter of days - which would gravely be known to this day as Judgment Day.

Cue T:2 opening soundtrack.



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