Hey Petey, are you up?

20 years on Sherdog, I seriously don’t know if I should feel amazed or really sad for you.
20 years on Sherdog, I seriously don’t know if I should feel amazed or really sad for you.
Your confusion is the nicest thing anyone's said to me in awhile. I'm not blowing off the comment, that's a solid post. ...you can feel both, but that hurt a little bit for some reason.
And speaking of 20 years, for some reason out of the blue, didn't Anne Sexton write a poem about that day. That's some random shit. It wasn't that day, ...naw, go with amazed, ....ah....
I did get depressed after my friend died so I've been with me a long time, and me and lots of thoughts, well, they bring me here or ...I can't paint like Van Gogh. I was laying in bed, and neither here nor there, but some people, and my kids used to get a kick out of making fun of what I used for bookmarks, leaves, flowers, bra straps, yuk it up. And I'm reading this book, and the bookmark was a Van Gogh, I don't remember ever seeing, one crow with slashing sideways rain. For all my stupid shit, which is biblical, that felt like another person. I wouldn't have forgot that.
You know, I've never owned a pair of cargo pants. Why? Wouldn't it be funny if I was typing all this from an iphone in the park.
I know there's a fucking poem, I remember trying to write a reply to it, it's just the perspective or her worshipping the sex, but it must have took nuts cause it stuck with me.

that's not it, but if you want to struggle with me amazing or sad, how bout me and Sexton in the sack. ..."even the cornea and the left over urine were gone, suicides have already betrayed the body ....., ...bruised you'd say, and yet she waits for me year after year to so delicately undo an old wound ....raging at the fruit, a pumped up moon, leaving the bread they mistook for a kiss, leaving the page of the book carelessly open, something unsaid, the phone off the hook, and the love, whatever it was, an infection.

See I don't know about you, but pretty quick upon meeting someone, like 8 seconds, maybe a minute you size up if you'd be good in bed together. I'm gonna go ahead and leave this one to your imagination. I did have a girl like this, she was the smartest woman I've ever met and I had just read more books and watched more movies and she was twisting herself in knots trying to figure out my core. There's probably old thread here, she would just roll up and bang on the door and stuff a six pack of Hamms in my chest put her oversized sunglasses on my head and drag me in the bedroom. And then for some reason things were going too good and things were too right, so I gave her the kibosh and she moved to Pennsylvania.....That move bothers me. there must have been a rationale, but it escapes me.
I remember we were watching Chimes at Midnight, drinking naked like kids in the dark, she took the beer out of my hand and put it on my head, well that's my move. Linda. The back story is pretty solid. So I wake up, and let's go with sad, pretty sure there's nobody reading this mean and Anne Sexton's lost poem that does exist.
So stretch you imagination. Imagine a movie, pan in on your hero coming around sitting on the couch in the dark. "Fuck I"m HORNY! FUCKK!...fuck, fuck the world just fuck the world." There's a man's voice in the dark on the couch, whell why didn't you fuck that girl you were playing pool with?" What? ....what the fuck are you talking about. Voice says you got her phone number in your pocket you retard. What?....what? so there's a phone number, i call it, and she says hey you wanna hang out. you bet, She's up in the mountains, so I kicked the pal in the head you gotta drive a long ways, that's just it. The road trip was an adventure and it broke down like 27 times before we got home, one of the greatest days of my life. My pal broke my grandma's rocking chair and I gave him a bunch of money and sad stories followed, but the day was one for the books.

We were at the river, cause that's the default good move and it's 2 seconds away. And I'm looking at her, cause I don't remember her for shit, and she has these little black bootie shorts on. And I realize my hand is on her ass, and I said Jeez, and she was taken aback, and poet...you got a really nice , ah, yer ass is nice. really? And to cut to the chase I car honks from across the river, a girl who kinda liked me saw me with this girl, drives over, we interduce, She says lets buy us more beer, I go with her, we get the beer, she won't bring me back, wtf are you doing. So firrs date wtf are you doing, the girl eventually is gone, I call her and tell her I wouldn't do that, she thought I actually left her to fuck this girl. First impressions. Typing that doesn't even make sense, I was soo fucking upset. She finally believed me, but she thought I was a fucking lethario that jarred the rest of our time together. She always thought there was a girl in the closet. let me put a paragraph

She left me a bookmark like a foot.
Theory: DMF is using this forum to hammer out the inner monologue and background for a character in a novel he's writing. Maybe the responses will be voices in that character's head, or that of other characters.
Theory: DMF is using this forum to hammer out the inner monologue and background for a character in a novel he's writing. Maybe the responses will be voices in that character's head, or that of other characters.

Let’s be patient with him. 20 years on Sherdog would drive anyone crazy.