Originally posted by J-Garden
Hey adam whats up man. Hojak ain't annoying to me at all i get a great deal of amusment every time he pops his head up here. As for fucking your knee up i understand that shit, i busted my knee real bad humping some older lady (old bitch) and it ended up getting an infection in it swelling up to huge proportions and leaving me in bed for about a week. Combine that with one of her teeth falling out and its been a funny few weeks.
hahahaha. interesting story. how'd some old cunTbag fuck you're knee up? from the sounds of it.... seems as tho you two were fuckin in metal spikes or some kind of kinky, dimented, S&M shit. no bueno, patna. and missing teeth? what..... the.... fuck. at best, i bet she gave one hellova blow job!