Hey Fingercuffs

I'm rusty on the buttons, but you have my endorsement. Hit up one of the other admins from me to get you aligned. If there's a hiccup it's on me. Happy anniversary.
This thread is a god damn masterpiece.
Yes, you're missing something, brother. I can't speak for he rest of the rampant administration and their spontaneous proclivities, but you're missing a thing called life. This thread was for me a ladyfriend and figured you could frolic along and help intersperse some tunes until she got off her bikeride, you ever think your dad might've done something like this for your mom before her leg went bad and she started looking at you the way she does. Quit mucking about, love is a honeyjar, you put your finger in your ass that's all you're gonna smell the rest of the day.
10/10 post from the GOAT admin.