Heartburn medication dangers


Dwight Belt
Dec 28, 2013
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So i have been deathly ill for the past 4 days because I switched my heartburn medication from omeprazole to rantidine (aka Zantac). Apparently I had an allergic reaction to the new medication and threw up about 200 times in the past few days.

Just shows you that the most simple things in life can be your undoing and this is the first medication i have ever been allergic to. I never knew something as simple as acid reflux medication can cause such serious side effects.
I live on Zantac 150. Fucking gerd sucks
Heartburn is bad but fartburn is worse.
i lkike when medications cause every possible side effect up to and including death
im not fat or anything, you all know that. i live a cleanish lifestyle. but acid reflux runs in my family and i almost died from switching medications. i just wanted to mention it in case it can save another sherdoggers life. this is how Brocks career was ended. Even the biggest dogs can fail.
Try drinking some baking soda in water for heartburn.