having a hard time with triangles


Green Belt
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
i'm a short guy who has of course short legs.. I am having a hard time throwing triangles on people. Keep in mind that i'm not that limber yet. I'm working on the stretching.. Anything else i should be doing to be able to figure 4 my legs around their neck and arm. My foot wants to stop at around my lower calf. Help!!!!
It takes practice, practice, and more practice. It took three months before I was able to thow on a triangle during practice. I'm still not that good with them. However, the nice thing about those chokes and us short people is that once they are applied, they are very tight.

If you are not already doing so, rotate orthogonal to the other person before throwing the triange. This makes it easier to apply, just like it becomes easier to apply armbars from this movement. In fact, many times I'll do a triangle just to confuse the other person while I transition into another armbar.
Yeah, you just have to work on your flexibility as much as possible, and try to work the correct angle on your opponent. But don't feel bad if in the end you just can't seem to lock the triangle on certain opponents. It's just a matter of how long your legs are and how big their neck/chest/upper torso section is. If they're too big, you're just not gonna be able to lock it no matter what.
Try moving to the side (If you have their left arm, move to the right and vice versa) hooking the back of their knee, pulling their head down and squeezing your knees together. Don't stay straight on.

Alternatively, if are are straight in line with them, once you have your instep behind your calf, put both your hands on the mat, pull yourself back a few inchec and sit up, this should put pressure on their upper back and neck and cause them to flatten out more on their stomachs so you can close the triangle by putting your foot behind your knee and pulling their head down.
Drill drill drill, one side to the other then back, faster and faster and keep doing it, you'll get there. And yea, moving to the side works well for me.
Break them by keeping pressure, remove the foot that is hooking and kick his knees out, he will fall then quickly lock it.
Whatever you do, don't pull on your foot to tighten it up. I was overzealous one class and yanked on my foot to get my triangle locked in. It worked and the guy tapped but it really hurt my ankle.
sprawl&brawl said:
i'm a short guy who has of course short legs.. I am having a hard time throwing triangles on people. Keep in mind that i'm not that limber yet. I'm working on the stretching.. Anything else i should be doing to be able to figure 4 my legs around their neck and arm. My foot wants to stop at around my lower calf. Help!!!!
I'm five feet tall, at the most, and I can do fine triangles. So, work on your flexibility.
try to smash him in the mouth with your cup. it throws your hips up under his arm and tightens it and gives you more room for your legs to fit.
try this site bjj.org.. there are many techniques shown here, step by step, including triangle!

..and remember : practise makes perfect! :p
Climb their hips or push away at their knee if they are posturing up. I have long but quite thick legs so I have trouble with closing my legs, I don't seem to stuggle too bad with getting the position I just suck at getting a nice tight closing of my legs. The technique I like though, which I mentioned, is the push away at their knee & use their hips to get up high & tight on their neck.
work to keep your opponents head low making it harder for them to posture up. and get your leg as straight across your opponents neck as possible
resurrecting old thread as I am working on triangles. I get a great armbar out of this. Problem is I really want to get the triangle and my short legs are only going so far. I tried adjustingthe angle with little effects.

I get the armbar rather than the triangle as I automatically holds the arm and he taps.
Do a searh on this topic man. You will find more information than you could ever need on the many nuances of the triangle choke.
Well I got the shortest legs on the planet... (well not really but they are really fucking short and stocky) If somebody is saying they got the correct angle down I say bullshit you do not have the correct angle on the choke.

The single remedy is to observe where are the calf, if it is going on an angle doing his uperback or over his shoulders you do not still have the correct angle. When you are at a correct angle your calfes are going straight over his neck as a guiljotine (the headchoping kind), -observe here that this means as long as your calfes are longer than his neck is wide you will not have a problem with the triangle on this angle!-, now pull this calf down towards your butt and smoothly and without a problem figure four your legs for the triangle. This is a good technical triangle where you dont even have to pull on his legs to get the choke, its incredibly tight.

The problem is that this all is perfect in a perfect world, butt in the real dirty world you wont get the perfect angle 100% of the time and it is here the longleged bastards can scorn on us since they can get away with a lot less clean angle and doing the pull on the head routine.

Counter this by getting smoother at finding the correct angle in one smooth attack. This will also help save your neck in the long run because when you are out at this muc of an angle it is more or less impossible to stack you since the preasure wont go over you neck anymore since you are no longer at the same angle of them...

Is this easy to understand or should I whip out ms-paint and show my sexy drawing skills?;)
sproggdawg - Believe me, I've researched this topic for long before I even joined up here. The problem I am finding is what Krellik referred to. I never get the right angle. The point I get from Krellik is that I have to adjust it to my body type in addition to working the right angles. I am looking at triangle drills and a cooperative partner (non resisting to get the muscle memory down).

My main problem is that I do not drill it enough because it is usually too easy to get the armbar when I try for the triangle.

thanks for the reply.
1. Break the posture
2. Grab your shin
3. Close the triangle
4. Cross the arm.
5. Grab your shin again
6. Fix your angle
7. Pull the head.
In "Mastering The Rubber Guard" there is a move called the tepee that is very similar to the triangle. If for some reason you are unable to make the triangle work for you then you should give the tepee a try. I dont have the book with me right now or I would try and explain it to you. I have seen guys finish the triangle without having a good figure 4 locked though. Joe Moreira says to close it as much as possible and then hug your knees with your arms for added strength and pressure. Ive also seen guys continue to hold their shin and finish it that way.
I've actually just started getting good with the triangle but my problem is I got it on one guy during rolling but instead he just sat down kind of and it help open my legs a little how can I prevent this I grabbed onto his head but still got away.