Have you met any superstitious people lately?


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
What do you think about them?

It seems like every time I hear the word "Luck" or "Karma" from people, a bell like the Jeopardy buzzer goes off in my head.

Like someone would say: Oh look! I found a quarter! It must be my lucky day.
You shouldn't be sneaking into movie theaters, it's bad karma

Luck, Karma, Silly spooky folklore written from the past, Superstitions, Urban legends, Curses.......etc
These things do not exist people!!!

Does anyone remember the Bloody Mary chant you are supposed to perform in the bathroom?
You have to flush the toilet 3 times & say Bloody Mary 3 times in front of a mirror and a ghost is supposed to jump out at you. Children through many generations learn about this in school and get freaked out by it or think it's a dare.
I have to knock on wood whenever someone says "win" on game day.
I met a chef who's constantly washing his hands and equipment/tools at work, keeping invisible demons away or something.
Things like karma do exist metaphorically. The West believes in things like the "invisible hand" of capitalism. That human psychology has a pattern --an invisible hand, basically that it will take care of things. Because people respond in a somewhat predictable way, and civilization depends on that.

The notion of free will, and human dignity is the greatest superstition of them all. As BF Skinner pointed out. Nobody wants to give up that superstition though.

Karma is basically reciprocal action. Chickens coming home to roost. Humans create so much negative energy. It is never destroyed. It is passed down through the years. People haunted by their pasts. By the dead. Still mad about the past. Ghosts and haunted houses are true in this sense too. Haunted houses obviously exist. Ghosts only try to fix the past. Many people are ghosts.

And that thing about aligning energies in the house. Asian thing. That is true too. Because who decorates a house, or environment, has power in that environment. It is a display of power. Make it neutral.
Every time I look in the mirror buddy. I'm constantly telling myself im dammed!
I live with one. My GF is extremely superstitious about Karma, ghost, and demons and that shit.