Social Have now spent almost half my life disabled

Happy birthday man

Sorry to hear about all you're going through. Have you tried a massage therapist? I mean a legit one. Maybe they could help.
As somebody with double partial rotator cuff tears, id take those again over a herniated disc any day of the week. A herniated disc can really stop you in your tracks for life RIP.

I have osteoarthritis in my fingers and it sucks too. Back in 2015 I had to quit my job for 4 years because the pain was immensely unbearable. Picture not being able to use your cellphone, type on a keyboard or use a pen cause your hands are on fire 24/7
Keep up your spirits, you're a warrior and just keep on fighting. It's worth the fight. And happy birthday.
I will vote for the party that offers you the best chance at getting affordable health care and maintaining a decent quality of life.
Sorry to hear that man. I had a number of years off full time work myself due to a couple of herniated discs, two fractured vertebrae and both the discs and vertebrae getting infected (osteomyelitis) to the extent it was crushing my spinal cord.
Lot of it's a blur because of all the fentanyl and oxycodone. Ended up going back to Uni, and upskilling got me a better job.
Hope you make a good recovery.
Core strengthening exercises are your only solution. Very mild one. Something like yoga, but not those extreme upside-down asanas.

Core strengthening and stretching the spine.
Consult a professional.

Especially stretching is a very delicate thing.
Sometimes it's prohibited with hernias. Significant potential risk of reinjury.