Has this ever happened to you? (spider related)


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
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You're relaxing in your home and you come across a large spider, or rather, a large spider comes across you. You to get a bug spray, shoe, book, etc.. you come back, then the spider is gone... now you can't relax until you find the son of a bitch.
If I was that spider, I'd hide in your pillowcase and crawl all up in your hair when you went to sleep.
I usually just scoop them up on the spot and throw them outside. I've had pet tarantulas, so handling small spiders doesn't bother me.
If I was that spider, I'd hide in your pillowcase and crawl all up in your hair when you went to sleep.

Yes. He has seen my face and he knows I went up to grab something to smash him with. Now he's out for vengeance.
Yes. He has seen my face and he knows I went up to grab something to smash him with. Now he's out for vengeance.

When Spiders cross the threshold of my room, none leave alive. I kill them with reckless abandon, and leave their remains to serve as a warning to any potential future spider friends he may have had.

Anywhere else in the house though, I'll usually toss them outside, live and let live sort of thing.
That's the trick- you can't look away. YOu have to slowly grab something in your peripheral view while maddogging that sucker or else it's like telling an escaped prisoner to "just stay right here while I call the authorities/get my weapon over there"

If you can't get anything, just stay there no matter what, locked in the staredown. You have the upper hand for the time being; still, silent. This will buy you time for plan B
lol that motherfucker probably hiding in the couch
He was crawling around my bank statement letter. He probably memorized my checking account and routing numbers. That piece of shit will probably try to ruin my credit rating.
He was crawling around my bank statement letter. He probably memorized my checking account and routing numbers. That piece of shit will probably try to ruin my credit rating.

At least you'll be able to run a back-trace on him and find out where all his new digs are being delivered to.
Never take your eyes off your opponent.



To answer the question- yes- just today I saw one at work- big motherfucker. I stared it down like I was nick diaz and it was...any other mma fighter- but It was out of my reach- up near the ceiling. So I just kept looking at it to keep tabs on its movement until I had to leave the particular office. When I went back, I was very uneasy wondering where it had gone and whether it would resurface. Thankfully, my day was pretty much over at that pt.

It's very interesting how certain forces counterbalance each other though-

At home, I was and am a complete puss when it comes to arachnids and certain bugs- freaked out and don't want to do any of the work killing them unless it's spray.

BUT in public when I see a bug I'm quick to act in killing and make it seem like I'm completely unfazed by their presence..

One of those cases where the fear of looking like a cowardly fuck in front of people supersedes the fear of the insect...don't know whether that's a good thing.
i am semi arachnophobic

i shit bricks when ever i see big spiders even when they are just huntsman and like to chill and shit.

i keep mortein in my bedroom also.

as soon as i see a spider that threatens me, and any big spider really threatens me just by being in eye sight... i just spray it if its in the house. if its in the garden i dont mind. if its on my balcony where i smoke then i also try to not kill it but i will break the web and just keep doing that until it gets the idea not to make a web where i smoke.
For some reason spiders like to chill high on the walls around my shower. I keep a cup nearby so when I'm showering I can just scoop them up, place the cup under the shower head for a second, and then pour them down the drain. I feel bad drowning them (I feel bad killing bugs in general), but I just can't stand spiders. They give me the willies.

As for disappearing spiders, one time I saw a fairly large spider next to my sofa, but when I got up to get a paper towel or whatever, it creeped down into the carpet. I tried to spot it but the carpet was just deep enough for it to vanish. So I got the vacuum and ended up vacuuming the entire room a few times over.


To answer the question- yes- just today I saw one at work- big motherfucker. I stared it down like I was nick diaz and it was...any other mma fighter- but It was out of my reach- up near the ceiling. So I just kept looking at it to keep tabs on its movement until I had to leave the particular office. When I went back, I was very uneasy wondering where it had gone and whether it would resurface. Thankfully, my day was pretty much over at that pt.

If you really handled him like Nick Diaz, you would have thrown out your arms like this. The spider would have been unable to resist your brilliant and humiliating taunting, and would have come right at you when you were most ready for it.
You're relaxing in your home and you come across a large spider, or rather, a large spider comes across you. You to get a bug spray, shoe, book, etc.. you come back, then the spider is gone... now you can't relax until you find the son of a bitch.


Legit one of the top 10 shittiest things to deal with imo.
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No, because the spiders I see are usually daddy long legs and from what I hear, it's bad luck to kill them.
The spiders and I have come to a formal agreement that they will not crawl on me while I'm asleep. This deal was brokered on faith.
So, a few years back I'm sitting playing a video game with my roommate at the time. I was in some baggy night time pants & felt something on the back of my leg. I slap the back of my thigh & nothing. Thinking I imagined it I just ignored & kept playing the game. Literally like 20 minutes later I felt the same exact sensation! Ahhh fu%k I jumped up & felt it with my hand. I pulled those pants off faster than a virgin with a hooker! I'm not even scared of spiders but that BIG creepy spider & startled the shit out of me!!!
Yes, a wolf spider. I found it in my ear several days later when putting on a hat. No joke.