Has Conor spoken on implementing touch butt training in the rematch?


Double Yellow Card
Nov 27, 2013
Reaction score
Wondering if Conor has talked about still utilizing touch butt in his preparation for the rematch or if he's denounced in any way? Has Ido portal commented on this either?
No, he's currently under the tutelage of: a last minute fight expert, efficiency expert, cardio expert, 170lbs acclamation expert, etc.
Next phase in energy efficiency is dodging shark bites and park sprinklers

Tbh, I'm kinda curious if he's doing any of that shit at all ? Or, if he plans to the last cpl wks before the fight ?

Ronda, and Conor got wake up calls. Whether they choose to answer the phone is up to them. But, both lost in devastating ways, that showed glaring weaknesses. Doesn't look like Ronda is changing anything. Conor needs gas, and ground game. It'll be hard to get enough of either in the time he has. Especially, if he's wasting time with shit that just really doesn't help.

Personally, I hope he keeps up touch butt, pool noodles, and trying to jump 4' straight up in the air, while hanging at the park, or beach.
2 more months of said butt-touching and he would've finished any man at any weight class that night. It was a new technique he hadn't quite perfected yet, but don't under-estimate it's danger
No matter how many hours of touch butt training he does, it won't change the fact that he's the fastest tapper in all of ireland