Has any MMA fighter admitted to using PED's truthfully?

Silva admitted to doing it almost his whole career by saying anyone thats on steroids have been doing it for a very long time, or wait I think he might of said that before he got caught I'm not totally sure. It would be funny if he said that before getting caught anyways Sonnen admitted it though

That was said before he got caught. In the same interview he said that if you get caught "no more fighty" IIRC
Tim Sylvia is probably the best example. thats why nobody cares he did it.
Didn't Griffin admit it in like a book or something without getting popped? I know he failed a test for Xanax but i thought he admitted (albeit claiming it was only for a matter of months) that he had used PEDS for a while. Unless somehow I am just imagining the whole thing! lol. But I am pretty sure he wrote about it.