Happy 4th ...

...arr hang on, that was supposed to go Mary Beth. ..ss..ttth
gggodamit., ffttt. Linda
When you think "Linda," ...it's a relatively generic image. It still is, because in my two and only experience with Lindas, I ask them both if I call you by a different name, because you're packing too many fireworks into a "Linda." The first one lasted quite a white and we got close, the second one I didn't actually ask her that, she'd've thumped the piss out of me and we were a humongous comedy of errors and otherworldly sabotage, there's no other way to explain it. She was the wicked one, scary smart but dumb enough to be my girl.
Not sure if this is Boxing forum material, but ah what the fuck. One yeh, in the next ten minutes and I'll tell ya how I met Linda.
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ah, fuck, ya hard bastards. well, some shit better left to the heart, it was a great and tragic introduction, the gods have a fucked up sense of humor. ...I'll giive you a free in medias res, ...

it's a few days in after we've met, and shit's been a horrible blur, and it seems like another stupid fucking dream, and five in the morning and I'm laying in bed I turn the tv on and had dvr'd the Billy Joel Celebration shit and so just staring at it, took a piss, and laying there listening, the world is kinda shit, why you bother with it;

The covers start moving, and she curls up with me out of the blue. Sometimes the gods are overly kind.
Linda is officially the new Karen — whose lease mileage was exhausted on day 2.
Linda moved to Pennsylvania, and as hard as i rub my legs together, you have to imagine there's only so many of those in your life.
I don't know that she's the one that got away, but in the brief time we were together, it was fucking crazy. Not like Sid and Nancy, we both had our places, I was the domesticated one being she lived a little ways away but worked nearby. I was doing my sherdog shit and she'd pop in randomly at 10 a.m with a six pack of bottled beer and crack 'em open and start pouring it in my sconce while she's putting her green sunglasses on my head and dragging me in the bedroom . I don't know if there's a time in a person's life where something like that doesn't mean something, but I try not to overthink it. Afterwards, she'd bail out fluffing herself up back on the trail to a destination and I'd inevitably work my way back to the living room, and there's a piece of paper, she'd outlined her bare foot with a marker and cut it out, and wrote on it, I've never heard of Rimbaud, you've got to read me some more. For some reason every note I have from her, she traced her foot and note of it, leave them on my Jeep, the porch, the bathroom. I was finding them in the couch a month after she moved. Impossible to describe, if a smaller Eva Green was melded with Lisa Kudrow and Lillith from Cheers and shook up in a bag of feral cats.

Fucken' eh.
I wish she was here right now. I could probably use some sleep. I have to do some nude modelling in about six hours. Well, I don't have to, but with the quarantine, if you sit naked outside the old folks home, some of them with toss money down.