International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

I fucking exposed this idiot cosplaying as a Jew and posting Yiddish quotes while thinking it was Hebrew.
I'll explain this once for you, 🤡.

You exposed nothing but your own ignorance, as usual.

I posted from the yiddish wiki... purposely. I never claimed it was hebrew or anything of the sort.

The thinking behind it goes like this. Hebrew was not even spoken for almost 2 thousand years. Our rabbis prayed in Hebrew and spoke in what ever language was native to where they lived. The Jews in Palestine for example spoke in the same tongue as their Christian and Muslim neighbors. It's a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, mainly Levantine Arabic

It was the zionists who put in place the idea and then forced the settlers - WHO SPOKE YIDDISH - to learn and speak Hebrew.

This was another trick for the world to give the false impression that they had some claim to others' land.

Hebrew for centuries was reserved only for prayer and Jews across the world know this to be true. It's just more evidence of how these clowns who pretend to be Jews, stole from us.

If you must respond, try something besides your usual...

You'll get there, cupcake.

What should Israel do post-October 7th?
How else are they supposed to avoid civilian casualities here?
How these legitimate questions?

I mean for starters, in no real order, they need to stop all this shit:
--ethnic cleansing based in a belief of racial superiority
--mass murder
--torture... especially involving children taken from their homes in the middle of the night
--what fucking government discusses whether rape can be justified?
--misusing religious text
--lying to the world
--buying other nations politicians to then use at their will
--calling themselves a Jewish homeland while blatantly promoting sodomy
--making themselves a fucking safe space for :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes escaping charges in other nations

I could go on, but this whole discussion just sucks. Same shit for over a century and the world just watches.

This is straight up from Hitler's playbook.

Hitler saw all Jewish actions as racially and thus spiritually motivated. Hitler saw the Marxist threat to Aryan culture-creating ability not as coincidental but as a deliberate plan to destroy culture, bring civilization into chaos, and enable the Jews to achieve their goal of world domination.

Calling out Israel's war cries = being like hitler.

You are a POS who should be banned but will not.
he’s not wrong in the video I posted though, I won’t let your nonsense post deflect from that.
Nonsense? You are the one using a neo nazi Qanon incel to make your talking points instead of actually reading something substantive and not riddled with utter insanity.
How these legitimate questions?

I mean for starters, in no real order, they need to stop all this shit:
--ethnic cleansing based in a belief of racial superiority
--mass murder
--torture... especially involving children taken from their homes in the middle of the night
--what fucking government discusses whether rape can be justified?
--misusing religious text
--lying to the world
--buying other nations politicians to then use at their will
--calling themselves a Jewish homeland while blatantly promoting sodomy
--making themselves a fucking safe space for :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes escaping charges in other nations

I could go on, but this whole discussion just sucks. Same shit for over a century and the world just watches.
That wasn't an answer to the question. Take Israel out of the picture for a second, what would you expect any country to do after they experience a land invasion where over 1,000 of civilians are killed? You expect them to roll over and let it happen again?
I mean for starters, in no real order, they need to stop all this shit:
--ethnic cleansing based in a belief of racial superiority
--mass murder
--torture... especially involving children taken from their homes in the middle of the night
--what fucking government discusses whether rape can be justified?
--misusing religious text
--lying to the world
--buying other nations politicians to then use at their will
--calling themselves a Jewish homeland while blatantly promoting sodomy
--making themselves a fucking safe space for :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes escaping charges in other nations

I could go on, but this whole discussion just sucks. Same shit for over a century and the world just watches.
Fuck, you just described like most of the Middle East. That stuff isn't even explicitly tied to Israel.
How do you miss the mark so badly.....

You are the one that is saying shit like Jews are trying to take over the world.....
I have never said that.
Its like you cannot not lie!

I stated: 1) Israel is colonzing the ME to create a greater Israel 2) its driven by the belief that Jews are superior to nonJews in the ME.

Israel is an apartheid state ffs. Israel is stealing land in the WB. Israel naps Palestinian civilians including kids and holds them without charge.
I have never said that.
Its like you cannot not lie!

I stated: 1) Israel is colonzing the ME to create a greater Israel 2) its driven by the belief that Jews are superior to nonJews in the ME.

Israel is an apartheid state ffs. Israel is stealing land in the WB. Israel naps Palestinian civilians including kids and holds them without charge.

Man, yeah no. You just have a throbbing hard on for hatred towards Jewish people. This conflict is not about Israel or Zionism for you. It is not about the Palestinians Civilian's suffering. You are just using the situation to push forward your 4channer agenda that Jewish people are this big boogeyman out to terrorize the rest of the world.....When was the last time that you actually provided an article or an actual source for your claims too instead of mumbling like a senile klan member.

lol so many jews in north America.

I will avoid the obvious places to find the jew

Economic slavery by our jewish overlords is the future.

I thought every month was jewish month in the west?

Facts have no place in the jewish as victim stoy. You have no right to question what the jewish people say.

Primarily black millionaires working for jewish billionaires.

Why would you even mention the holocaust and its denial?

Nice to hear yo acknowledge your uber privilege. Its even more than just jewish institutions. Its massive jewish overrepresentation in non-Jewish institutions.
Man, yeah no. You just have a throbbing hard on for hatred towards Jewish people. This conflict is not about Israel or Zionism for you. It is not about the Palestinians Civilian's suffering. You are just using the situation to push forward your 4channer agenda that Jewish people are this big boogeyman out to terrorize the rest of the world.....When was the last time that you actually provided an article or an actual source for your claims too instead of mumbling like a senile klan member.
Out of context quotes

For example, the first quote was responding to someone saying jews are only safe in Israel. I stated jews are safe in north america and easy to find to prove it.
I'll explain this once for you, 🤡.

You exposed nothing but your own ignorance, as usual.

I posted from the yiddish wiki... purposely. I never claimed it was hebrew or anything of the sort.

The thinking behind it goes like this. Hebrew was not even spoken for almost 2 thousand years. Our rabbis prayed in Hebrew and spoke in what ever language was native to where they lived. The Jews in Palestine for example spoke in the same tongue as their Christian and Muslim neighbors. It's a Palestinian dialect of Arabic, mainly Levantine Arabic

It was the zionists who put in place the idea and then forced the settlers - WHO SPOKE YIDDISH - to learn and speak Hebrew.

This was another trick for the world to give the false impression that they had some claim to others' land.

Hebrew for centuries was reserved only for prayer and Jews across the world know this to be true. It's just more evidence of how these clowns who pretend to be Jews, stole from us.

If you must respond, try something besides your usual...

You'll get there, cupcake.

How these legitimate questions?

I mean for starters, in no real order, they need to stop all this shit:
--ethnic cleansing based in a belief of racial superiority
--mass murder
--torture... especially involving children taken from their homes in the middle of the night
--what fucking government discusses whether rape can be justified?
--misusing religious text
--lying to the world
--buying other nations politicians to then use at their will
--calling themselves a Jewish homeland while blatantly promoting sodomy
--making themselves a fucking safe space for :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes escaping charges in other nations

I could go on, but this whole discussion just sucks. Same shit for over a century and the world just watches.

You copy and pasted a Yiddish Wikipedia article about a Jewish Anti-Zionist organization after I told you to eat a dick in Hebrew. You are one stupid motherfucker.

Thanks for the linguistics lesson, dipshit. If you truly understand Yiddish, you would have known that it's a Germanic language that sounds almost nothing like its Hebrew ancestor despite sharing the same alphabet. Admit it, I tricked your dumbass.

Oy vey iz mir.
Out of context quotes

For example, the first quote was responding to someone saying jews are only safe in Israel. I stated jews are safe in north america and easy to find to prove it.

Unfortunately because of racist anti-semites like yourself Sammy, that isn't true
Another good day for the good guys

Making Israel safe for Jews again, because as we have seen, they aren't safe in that parts of the world like North america and Europe with all the racist anti-semites charging around screaming about the genocide they want to commit and attacking innocent jews
Really good video on operation human shield being perpetrated by Hezbollah as they commit more war crimes and follow the same cowardly playbook of Hamas

Both terrorist organisations, Hamas and Hezbollah are full of genocidal maniacs and supported by genocidal, war crime supporting maniacs on here

Unfortunately because of racist anti-semites like yourself Sammy, that isn't true
Yet you never post when Muslim in NA are attacked. Why is that?

This should not be tolerated obviously.
Prolly 1 for every 100 kids but you like it right? You should get a nice Boss suit to celebrate.
Guten tag Sammy

Good to see that ruffled you enough to make up more lies

What a sad way to go through life. Go champion some more anti semitic terrorism

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