International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Ah so just children was it?
Any idea who could be they could have been targeting?
Which would you consider the better option btw, an airstrike or a soldier on the ground?

This has nothing to do with my point. Bunch of pointless, loaded questions.

I love the bullshit "it didn't happen in a vacuum angle"

No one ever said it did. The region has been in a vicious cycle since the forties.

That's not true at all. The entire media was portraying it like this unprecedented attack came from left field.

October 7th was a massive escalation from the Palestinian side, we're since seeing the Israeli response to that escalation.

And yeah, they are out-escalating Hamas & co, who seem to have some issues dealing with it.

No one claimed any different. There's something called proportionality. Israel has now violated Geneva conventions, committed war crimes, bombed hospitals, residential buildings, refugee camps (after telling people to go there to be safe), killed children, stopped food, medicine and water from getting in, killed Western journalists and doctors and a million other things,

Sodomized a prisoner on camera then had one of the soldiers that did it on Israeli TV defending it.

No wonder Israel kicked out all foreign journalists from Gaza. They don't want anyone seeing all the heinous shit they're doing.
Did Oct 7 happen in a vacuum?
The 10/7 narrative is beyond silly. At this point I'm pretty sure that most children see beyond that narrative.

Category:Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip​

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.


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Hey pimp, you appear to be on the verge of going full thundercuck.

Never go full thundercuck.

I pretty much deconstructed the hostage narrative for you a few pages back...

Thunder cuck?

Try using accepted English words thundercunt
They probably were minding their own business, except they’re automatically guilty living under the apartheid where you can get arrested for walking down a street you’re not allowed to walk on because some Israeli decides so on that particular day. Thousands of prisoners have been thrown in jail without trial
We can add apartheid to the list of words misused by the supporters of Palestinian terrorists alongside genocide, war crimes. Etc etc

I wonder what word they will misuse next

Stay tuned for more demented ramblings from the pro Palestinian terrorists on here
Dudes like him and @SuperAlly positions align with Jewish Supremacy. The Jewish state can do NO wrong and nonJews in the ME are sub-human so they can do whatever they want to to continue colonizing.

Its even more fucked up b/c now they seem to be excited to sacrafice US lives
Jewish supremacy. lol. You are a special kind of stupid you terrorist loving scumbag
We can add apartheid to the list of words misused by the supporters of Palestinian terrorists alongside genocide, war crimes. Etc etc

I wonder what word they will misuse next

Stay tuned for more demented ramblings from the pro Palestinian terrorists on here
How is it misused? before you talk out of your ass, back up your wrong opinion
Because there is no apartheid. Retard.
Says a dipshit on a karate forum. Do you know the definition of apartheid?

Don't call me a retard, I am more qualified than you at life.
Thunder cuck?

Try using accepted English words thundercunt

"Ad hominem."

Lmfao. I fucking exposed this idiot cosplaying as a Jew and posting Yiddish quotes while thinking it was Hebrew. He's got a bone to pick with me since then. This is either a troll or a demented moron who needs to see a shrink.
The 10/7 narrative is beyond silly. At this point I'm pretty sure that most children see beyond that narrative.

Category:Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip​

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.


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Pages in category "Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip"​

The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.















Terrorist Groups don't fall from the sky. We all know that. It doesn't change the fact that they are a threat to the future if they are not taken care of.

What should Israel do post-October 7th?
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Dudes like him and @SuperAlly positions align with Jewish Supremacy. The Jewish state can do NO wrong and nonJews in the ME are sub-human so they can do whatever they want to to continue colonizing.

Its even more fucked up b/c now they seem to be excited to sacrafice US lives

This is straight up from Hitler's playbook.

Hitler saw all Jewish actions as racially and thus spiritually motivated. Hitler saw the Marxist threat to Aryan culture-creating ability not as coincidental but as a deliberate plan to destroy culture, bring civilization into chaos, and enable the Jews to achieve their goal of world domination.

82% of the rocket attacks are coming from Israel into Lebanon. Israel killed over 500 people in Lebanon on Monday alone, mostly all civilians.

Maybe Israel should stop being belligerent?
Ahead of the Israeli strikes, residents across Lebanon reported receiving phone calls on landlines and SMS messages with warnings from the Israeli military to stay away from buildings or areas where Hezbollah was hiding or deploying weapons. Ogero, the country’s state-owned landline operator, said its systems detected some 80,000 attempted calls that were suspected to be Israeli.

How else are they supposed to avoid civilian casualities here? Hezbollah seems to like planting in civilian dense areas to use their people as fodder....