International Half a million illegal migrants to be given residency by Spain

"Can be integral to society by doing labor jobs citizens do not want"

So a form of cheap labor? Slavery? Does this not seem a little......racist? Jeez I know it's better than where they come from, but eventually they become what is in France...Unhappy and angry and displaced.
Your kids might get slaughtered and your wife raped, but at least we have slaves to deliver fast food!

Lol at "might." More like "absolutely will."

Anyway, yeah, this system of neverending profit chasing, never ending growth, and always having someone below you to exploit is bullshit.


I'm glad we're in agreement.
"Can be integral to society by doing labor jobs citizens do not want"

So a form of cheap labor? Slavery? Does this not seem a little......racist? Jeez I know it's better than where they come from, but eventually they become what is in France...Unhappy and angry and displaced.
Services and construction mainly. How is this racist? Lol, yeah, let me see: just entered the country illegally, can't fucking speak Spanish, have no studies, no credited experience,... yeah, I think we have our new senior engineer here!
As for the ones in France, yeah coincidentally they're always the same bunch...Fuck them, they are never happy anywhere because they just can't be integrated. They refuse to accept the rules and culture of the country they move in. Anyone who is not happy should be put immediately on a boat and sent back to whatever shithole they come from
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Why are the majority American posters on Sherdog getting all butthurt about Spain letting in illegals? That's their choice.
Why are the majority American posters on Sherdog getting all butthurt about Spain letting in illegals? That's their choice.
Spain is not letting illegals in. They just were removed of their means to not allow them in. Spain had way tougher measures (been gatekeeping the continent since day one) to stop the flood of migrants from Africa to Europe including instruments such as express deporations and were specifically asked to stop this practices since they were considered inhumane. The influx is now at an all time high and due to the generated expenses the country is looking into approving residencies just so some of these immigrants can be asked (forced) to accept jobs. This means the ones who enter this program will be linked to this position for initally six months and later the permit can be renewed but while remaining in active situation (Since if they're in illegal situation they can't but still generate great cost for the country, remember, we racist Spaniards cannot deport them the way we used to thanks to our European associates) What else can the country do? Best thing migh be stuffing them in trucks and sending them over to Brussels imo.
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Was in Spain last week. Heaps of Africans were on the party island, selling just about anything from stimulants to sunglasses. They don’t give a shit about authority and do what they want. These guys aren’t shy about what they’re selling or upto, zero fuks literally.

Europe is a crazy place these days. Just about anything goes.
Was in Spain last week. Heaps of Africans were on the party island, selling just about anything from stimulants to sunglasses. They don’t give a shit about authority and do what they want. These guys aren’t shy about what they’re selling or upto, zero fuks literally.

Europe is a crazy place these days. Just about anything goes.
Was in Japan a couple weeks ago and in Shinjuku, Roppongi and Harijuku there are tons of Africans on the side of the road, each one a pimp or drug dealer. Not sure why the Japanese police allow them to do it (maybe because they only go up to non-Japanese people). They walk up to random people and harass them to try and get them prostitutes/drugs. Some are pretty pushy too but I'm a pretty tall and big guy so they back off pretty quick, I don't think they're looking to get into fights for the most part.

Apparently there are also stories of them inviting people into bars and drugging them to swipe all their credit cards for hundreds and thousands of dollars.
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Was in Japan a couple weeks ago and in Shinjuku, Roppongi and Harijuku there are tons of Africans on the side of the road, each one a pimp or drug dealer. Not sure why the Japanese police allow them to do it. They walk up to random people and harass them to try and get them prostitutes. Some are pretty pushy too but I'm a pretty tall and big guy so they back off pretty quick.

Yep I happened to also to see these guys in Tokyo as well some years ago, I was surprised to see them there too.

These guys in the party islands I went are waiting around until the crack of dawn around the clubs. When you’re drunk your an easy target. Plus they provide all the stimulants that party goers want and the youngsters are more than happy to buy. None of these guys seem upto anything good, and I bet they were illegals. Some African ladies offering blowjobs when you’re drunk, probably thieves.

This has going on for many years tbh, it just seems it’s getting much worse.
China is a shithole that the Chinese are always trying to flee.
Every year, around 170 million Chinese travel around the world as tourists and return to their beloved homeland China. Only a creepy dysfunctional minority wants to live abroad.
I give it 6 months before the clubs start playing a dance track called "Extranjeras fuera, España para los españoles"