Guys, do u always make girls cum/ have orgasms everytime u have sex?

LoL man i smell something... Oh yeah it's bullshit... so many people lie on here it's not even funny...
I'm still a virgin (21 year old virgin) but I make it a point to make any girl I'm with cum...

A trick that works nicely is eat them out, then finger, make em cum, then finger again.... after I get married, instead of the second fingering, I'll put mr. happy in...
So you guys are really serious about women being able to cum, huh?
Good job on waiting for marriage Xor. I tried that, and then I turned 15. lol But honestly I respect you for that. I hope its determination, and the feeling that life will be better if you go thru it only being with one girl, and not that you cant get any.