Guy Gets Manhandled By His Girlfriend After He Got Caught Texting Another Girl!

Well that’s domestic violence
If it was the other way around and a guy was beating his much smaller female partner, everybody would be up in arms.
Yeah. I don’t see what’s funny about this. Sad really that people think this is entertainment.
That was fucked up. He was well within his rights to retaliate but the beating probably would've just gotten worse for him.
she should fight Chris Brown next
"You gon remember this mfkn ass beating"..LOL
thats gotta be her 10 year old kid getting a whopping for being rude to mum
that boy looks about 105 pounds soaking wet, yet he is dating a hippo, those big girls are strong as hell man. like that huge Samoan chick who manhandled some Filipino girl at mcdonalds lol you can see the little fat samoan is strong too she tossed that filipino girl around too

I love how one of the Mcdonalds employees tries to break up the fight and then starts fighting with that same person.
If it was the other way around and a guy was beating his much smaller female partner, everybody would be up in arms.

No fucking shit because a strong, 180 lb man is still going to cause a lot more damage to a 110 lb woman than what we saw here.

As bad as this was (woman deserves jail time for sure), she didn't even draw blood. If it was the other way a around and a strong man beat his tiny girlfriend for 3 minutes straight, she'd be in a coma if not dead.
No fucking shit because a strong, 180 lb man is still going to cause a lot more damage to a 110 lb woman than what we saw here.

As bad as this was (woman deserves jail time for sure), she didn't even draw blood. If it was the other way a around and a strong man beat his tiny girlfriend for 3 minutes straight, she'd be in a coma if not dead.
It's BS, it's double standards as well. Domestic violence is not acceptable which other way around it is. People on here are laughing at the victim. You might not think so but I happen to think that is very fucked up.
that boy looks about 105 pounds soaking wet, yet he is dating a hippo, those big girls are strong as hell man. like that huge Samoan chick who manhandled some Filipino girl at mcdonalds lol you can see the little fat samoan is strong too she tossed that filipino girl around too

Nice boob. Doable ass. Wood.
Looks like the feminist agenda in action to me. As a man, it's your duty to sit there and take it. NEVER HIT A WOMAN.
Dude was surrounded by fat birds, he stood no chance if he tried to fight back. But he took a massive beating and she was flinging him a round like he was nothing. He better start hitting the gym and bulking up.
Which one is the girlfriend?

This is why I don't have dreads or an insane tranny giant in my life.
that boy looks about 105 pounds soaking wet, yet he is dating a hippo, those big girls are strong as hell man. like that huge Samoan chick who manhandled some Filipino girl at mcdonalds lol you can see the little fat samoan is strong too she tossed that filipino girl around too

Just watched that McD's that Filipina had some ASS on her, and a nice nip slip to boot!
Ah, some good ol’ domestic violence to start my weekend. Cheers!
that's a domestic violence charge these days , not in certain neighborhoods though haha.
Some neighborhoods you don't get in trouble for anything but a class A felony.. Those are the neighborhoods that pretend the police give them a hard time. 90% of the guys I grew up with in the burbs have multiple charges on their record for being normal young people; while the people from urban Detroit I went to law school with who smoked weed in the lot and talked about fighting all the time had zero record.

Oh, and a girl that gets caught cheating who gets the same thing, gets the same reaction out of me; I didn't really enjoy watching it, but oh well. We see them in mma. They take slaps and tds the same as guys; it feels the same to them. The crying from a grabbed wrist to the police is a lie. I dont hit girls, and I actually had an abusive ex who would call the cops to protect herself. She was the worst.. but she never cheated. Ever. Sad about her bi-polar.