Guess I'll be the one to do it. Gif Request: Viana knockout on Duran

The fight ended less than 3 minutes ago, calm down.
Crazy finish dude has some power... Kind of funny when the guy was like "Come on come on" I was thinking "Dude you might want to shoot or keep your hands up".
Duran is a very solid fighter and Wolverine tore right through him. Impressive stuff.
Crazy finish dude has some power... Kind of funny when the guy was like "Come on come on" I was thinking "Dude you might want to shoot or keep your hands up".

Yeah, I was like "WTF are you doing?"
Well, there were about 5 knockdowns for you to choose from
Crazy finish dude has some power... Kind of funny when the guy was like "Come on come on" I was thinking "Dude you might want to shoot or keep your hands up".

Kind of similar to Benson vs Nate very hilarious.
Awesome KO. And before that, Wolverine dropped him like 4 other times in 3 minutes?
Wow !!!