Greatest Brothers in MMA History

Aren't Ken and Frank not blood related? One of them adopted or something? I remember hearing that, if true they wouldn't really be a "bloodline"

Both are adopted by Bob Shamrock..
Joe Stevenson and Satoru Kitaoka
Aren't Ken and Frank not blood related? One of them adopted or something? I remember hearing that, if true they wouldn't really be a "bloodline"

Both adopted by Bob Shamrock.

Originally: Kenneth Kilpatrick and Frank Juarez III
Pete Sell doesn't have a brother otherwise they'd be #1.
Enson and Egan Inoue!!! how can you let them out?

Amazing how people can forget these two! They were badass back in the early days. Still love watching some of their golden oldies in SuperBrawl
in terms of career, ken and frank. Both mma champs and legends of the sport.
Nog's or Diaz's. Most of the rest have one brother who's way better than the other.
Ninja and aleks were both elite at one point in their respective divisions
Jake and Joe ellenburger
Erik and Keoni Koch
Sergio and Anthony pettis
Cole miller and Micah miller
Dan and Jim Miller
Enson and Egan Inuoe
BJ, Sean, and Regan Penn
*Frank and Ken Shamrock (Adopted)
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If you are looking for two brothers who are both really good, I'd go with the Nogs. Both were in the top 10 for the better part of a decade and Big Nog is high of the list of greatest HWs ever.
Well if we're just naming off brothers.

Pat and Ryan Healy.

Joe and Dan Lauzon.

Chuck and Sean Liddell.

Clay and Jason Guida.

Rashad and Lance Evans.

But as said earlier, the best would have to be the Nogs.