Agreed, what a bitch. I respected aldo alot and tried standing upfor him too after his loss to the guys humilating him. but come on, you´re sitting on the bench and then mocking the guy who beat you? gtfo. same with rafael, i believed he could beat conor - but he pulled out, yes i know broken foot - but then stfu coz its him who pulled out. its easy to talk shit when its not you in the octagon, conor was there,rafael was not, same for aldo he had the shot but noooo. all his "anytime anywhere"...its true what conor says..aldo doesnt fight, he runs away...lost respect for that, so easy to go on twitter after a fight and talk wasnt him in the octagon so he should shut up.
conor risked so much - aldo didn´t wanna risk losing again because that would be his last shot potentially he wants maximum chances - nothing wrong with that. but conor is the man and he fights anybody, so you´re bound to lose at some point most likely - i respect conor so much for that. i thought he might be able to beat anyone from how confident he was, he´s clearly not superiorly super skilled compared to everyone, but - he does live up to what he says and he´s way more fun and 10 times more of a man than all these pussies talking shit now conor lost and the fighters talking shit about him.
just the fact the guy gets so much hate shows how great he is - like it or not. only losers talk shit about other guys like that.