Law GOP wants to ban birth control, except for legally married couples only

I like Maya Angelou.
It makes sense in southern states where their people dominate but not elsewhere
"Shit, nobody cares about this Roe V Wade stuff. We gotta Frankenstein it! Uhh...slavery is coming back if you don't vote for us in the midterms! Please care about our desperate dramatics, and not your own hardships brought on by our ineptitude! PLEASE!!! You all gonna die if you don't vote for us! This ain't like the last 9000 times we said that shit! It's real now! Please believe us!"
"Shit, nobody cares about this Roe V Wade stuff. We gotta Frankenstein it! Uhh...slavery is coming back if you don't vote for us in the midterms! Please care about our desperate dramatics, and not your own hardships brought on by our ineptitude! PLEASE!!! You all gonna die if you don't vote for us! This ain't like the last 9000 times we said that shit! It's real now! Please believe us!"
Guys Hitler will be resurrected reeeeeeeeeeeeee
"Shit, nobody cares about this Roe V Wade stuff. We gotta Frankenstein it! Uhh...slavery is coming back if you don't vote for us in the midterms! Please care about our desperate dramatics, and not your own hardships brought on by our ineptitude! PLEASE!!! You all gonna die if you don't vote for us! This ain't like the last 9000 times we said that shit! It's real now! Please believe us!"

But seriously you guys it’s super cereal this time!
"Shit, nobody cares about this Roe V Wade stuff. We gotta Frankenstein it! Uhh...slavery is coming back if you don't vote for us in the midterms! Please care about our desperate dramatics, and not your own hardships brought on by our ineptitude! PLEASE!!! You all gonna die if you don't vote for us! This ain't like the last 9000 times we said that shit! It's real now! Please believe us!"

The right just overturned an issue that had been settled law since the 70s. I'm not sure why you think they would stop at Roe v. Wade. Especially since there are other court decisions that relied on Roe v. Wade.

What seems to be next is an attempt at a federal abortion ban. We shall see if establishment Republicans are willing to go that far.
I didn't realize there was a Supreme Court case regarding Hitler or his resurrection. That sounds fascinating.
Yea after GOP abs Supreme Court bring back slavery that’s next
The right just overturned an issue that had been settled law since the 70s. I'm not sure why you think they would stop at Roe v. Wade. Especially since there are other court decisions that relied on Roe v. Wade.

What seems to be next is an attempt at a federal abortion ban. We shall see if establishment Republicans are willing to go that far.

In what situations are you not ok with an abortion?

I'm asking, because as a pro-choice believer I feel abortion should be banned in certain circumstances.

The high school bicycle Stephanie (everyone got a ride, har har) had 4 abortions by the time she was 21. I don't support abortion as birth control, and I don't believe in forced sterilization - so what do you do with people like her? It's disgusting.
Sheesh. It's frightening that you are not familiar with the 13th amendment. They even have a holiday related to it, it's called Juneteenth.
Ah man awesome doesn’t matter gay marriage and interracial marriage will be illegal then slavery will be allowed again because of evil GOP I’m scared