Media Good Theory On Why Joe Rogan Moved To Texas

Taxes and property used to be cheap. My home and property has more than doubled because of these assholes. Which means my taxes have doubled. Im not moving. My shit is paid for. Anyone that thinks their home being worth more are fucking idiots.
He didn't want California to take almost half of his spotify money, all his liberals ruining California shit is just an excuse.
What’s to hate about liberals? We’re all friendly weed smoking folks
Unfortunately that version of liberal is not really what is associated with liberalism these days. They are now viewed as stuck up, out of touch, social justice warrior, PC, freedom of speech suppressing, cancel culture pushing, shaming people who have any difference of opinion, logic denying folks.

It's not necessarily that the majority of liberals are like that, but those people represent the worst aspects of liberalism and bring down everyone else. I blame Twitter.
He's moving so he can be the other bear in tom seguras cave
Cali’s got crazy high taxes especially for people with a lot of money and Joe makes a lot of money. It’s not hard to figure out.

plus he likes hunting, guns, and smother Texas stuff.

also this place really needs its own joe rogan forum these height topics are getting old here