Girlfriend to the rescue at Walmart!!

If my girlfriend hadnt been here to hold me back I would have kicked your ass.
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Nice tackle toots. One arm on the phone and still dropped him in his tracks. She's tougher than both these dudes put together.
Spot on mate, he was clueless.

Funny one this one though <lmao>

Cheers for posting @jeff7b9


This forum is fun and oddly therapeutic for me, so I try to share when I come across a good one or a funny or bizarre fight video that I think the sherhomies might also enjoy.
And bravo to the old dude who walks out of the bathroom, steps over the prone gf and continues without looking back.
He is a veteran Wal-mart employee and knows how to mind his own!
When Great Value striking is too much for you, it might be time to deport yourself