Gif request - Bisping celebration


White Belt
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, gang,

Bisping celebrating his win over Rockhold caught my attention and I feel it should be immortalized:

I was actually surprised not to see this gif circulated already. Feels like it could be used extensively.

As I am not savvy in making GIFs, I invite you wizards here to make their efforts (and also maybe find a better quality video - I am non-US resident so many were unavailable).
thats stipe, no wonder were the power came from.
"Fuck you" haha good stuff
Quite the contrast in the behaviour of both - Mike sure is an a-hole. :)

I would have loved to see him be super arrogant in his post-fight interview just to get smashed in his next fight. Not that I dislike Bisping, I just prefer a good smashing.

Regardless, that "fuck you" could become a permanent feature on Sherdog. Its uses are virtually endless...