Ghost pictures!

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ok here is something that just happened to me on my visit to asia..i was in the philippines and everyone i was staying with passed out at about 1 in the morning..i was still pretty wide awake so i stayed up and watched tv for a couple hours...well around 3 i get pretty tired and turn everything off and head upstairs to bed...everyone around me was sound asleep so i just layed there thinking for a while..about 10 minutes pass and all of a sudden the tv downstairs turns thinking to myself ok maybe theres something wrong with the outlet and it just randomly turns on..a few minutes pass and the channels start changing and as they are changing..the volume keeps getting louder and louder...

now its hot as hell in asia and of course the air con is on..but at that time it got freeeeezing cold...not even the covers would help..and the next morning my friends say they noticed it was extremely cold at one point of the night...hella wierd and the only time something happened while staying there this time
Thanks all, this thread made my Sunday morning so much more interesting.

I've had a couple of creepy moments but none worth trying to detail except one from last year.

I had recently started a job decorating for this old lady who lives in the country and all my work stuff was already on the job so I decided to walk cross country to and from work.

The walk there was pleasant....across fields, over a few fences and down one mile long winding and thin muddy path. I got to the house no probs in about 45 minutes.

When I started to walk home however it was started to get dark and very quickly (it was winter) but I had semi prepared myself by bringing an old torch. Well the walk started fine and I found my way across the first few fields easy enough and it started raining lightly. Then I came to the winding path.

Almost as soon as I get there the fucking torch starts going on the blink and I have to keep shaking it to make it work. The ground is muddy as hell and I'm slipping around in the now pouring rain while listening to my ipod. I haven't seen anyone on my travels up to this point.

I kept trying to walk down this path and am maybe a third of the way along and the torch is playing up making it harder than ever to see as one minute I have a spot light from my torch and the next it's pitch black and I feel totally off balance. I keep reaching out and there's nothing but brambles and thick bushes to my left and right.

The torch finally seems to have given up the ghost (pardon the pun) and I feel pretty helpless. So I'm shaking this fucker and it springs back to life illuminating and old man with a straggly beard standing two feet from me.

I must have made a little yelp and I pulled my earphones out not once wavering the torch from this guy. He says "you don't want to use the light son...use your night eyes" and points to his beady eyes. He then proceeded to walk to my left and dissapear into the thick bushes (which seems near impossible even now) just as my torch died again.

I just started running, falling over in the mud and shaking that damn torch until it started working again with no problems.

Everyone I've told the story to just says it was a farmer but it sure as shit didn't seem that way to me. I wont walk that way ever again...even in daylight.
I don't have a ghost story but a pretty creepy one so I'll share.

I grew up in a very religious house. My mom is a very strong Christian and when my sister and I were young my mom had a dream that she was battling satan. She told me about this dream many years later and I could tell that it made a lasting impression on her.

She was fighting with Satan, sort of a spiritual battle of wills. She said that my sis and I were not physically present in her dream but that she knew that the battle was over us. The devil was trying to walk past her, presumably to get at us, and she kept commanding it to stay away in God's name and quote scripture. The dream ended as Satan dissapeared but he was laughing when the 'battle' ended. My mom woke up and went to the bathroom, very freaked out. As she was turning the sink faucet on the gold chain for the cross she always wears inexplicably broke and the cross fell to the sink. She says that she immediately recalled the laughter from the dream.
This is a true but weird story too. This happened some years ago I had just broke up with my X gf so I decided to rent a house near where I work. I remember the lady renting the place seemed pretty odd and wanted me to move in asap I just thought she was losing money every month from the mortgage so I really didn't think too much of it. Well, as soon as I moved in the problems began I really had alot of trouble sleeping. I remember my X coming over (we still had sex hehe!) and she said she had a very scared feeling being there. I'd get home from work and all my pictures and some books are on the floor I really didn't know what to think or do since nobody else had been in the house except me. This went on for a few days and gradually got worse. I remember getting up to go to work and hearing voices coming from the other rooms and when I would go into the room it would stop. I saw figures of a man outside in my backyard when I ran out there it was gone. I remember getting pulled out of my bed and landing on the floor very hard a couple of times. Whatever it was seemed to take pleasure on me suffering and being scared it started really wear on my mental state and I couldn't move out even if I had wanted to because I used all my savings to move in so I was stuck there. I tried to set up a camera to see what was moving my stuff but after about an hour the camera would die (the battery was fully charged). I remember watching TV with my X and she saw for herself one of my cymbal stands from my drum kit move across the floor and she heard the same voices as I did so I knew I wasn't crazy. The final straw is when I asked the owner what the hell was going on and they denied any haunting in that house, but I could see in their faces that they were not telling me the truth. Later that week I spoke to my neighbor and asked him if he's seen or heard anything odd from my place. What he told me not only scared the shit out of me I said fuck it I'll live on the streets than deal with this. He told me that late night/early morning (he had a night job) that he would see all the lights in my house going off and on and he would see figures of people walking around inside the house. All this was happening while I was trying to sleep and I never saw it for myself. So my X decided to let me stay with her while till I saved up and found another place to live. The owners were pretty pissed I was moving but after 7 months of dealing with that shit I was done. After I moved out I went to that house to check if I had any mail that didn't transfer over to my new place and to my surprise a woman was moving in I talked to her for a minute asking about my mail and I didn't want to scare her but I did say some weird things happend here to me you should be careful. At that point she knew what I was talking about I haven't ever went back there to see if she's still living there. I never want to go back again. I know this story is long but thanks and its all true. On a happy note me and my X got back together and we're happier than ever!!!!
ok this isn't really a ghost story but its 100% the truth...

Anyways my mom is from a very very small island in the philippines..Always telling me ghost stories...Well I went to visit this small village in the summer of 05 and some semi crazy stuff happened..I got really really sick one morning..I'm talking shits, puke, chills..basically everything horrible about being sick times 10...Not only that, the heat was so intense it was just a living hell...And they only have power part of the day so I had to wait till 12 in the afternoon to get some relief from the air conditioner..Anyways the sickness was pretty bad and it went from me to my brother..and my brother might have even had it worst so my mom got really concerned...I had been drinking the night before so my mom asked me where i went...I told her just some random little shack bar in the town..She asked if anything weird happened and I told her some guy was mugging me saying some weird things in tagolog and kept on saying "23" "number 23" and laughing..

So she goes out and gets this crazy witch doctor..who had been their doctor since she was a kid..I'm telling you...this was some shit out of a movie...A huntch back her late 80s comes in..Literally had only one tooth the size of a woodchip...comes in and starts speaking in some crazy language (not tagolog) and starts blowing on her hands and rubbing my brothers stomach...She then lights this blackish bark....kind of looked like a black piece of ginger and proceeds to speak in this language...Then the smoke of this stuff starts to float around...Not even float, more like dance around..Wasn't normal at all...
Then she comes over to me and starts blowing on her hand and rubbing my stomach..Now if you blow on your hand, you feel the warmth from your breath..especially if youre rubbing something...Well her hands were ice fucking cold and did not feel normal at all...

I shit you not...two hours later we weren't sick at all...My mom and the witch doctor claimed the dude at the bar who was chanting "number 23" (it was a jersey i was wearing) put a spell on me to get me sick...Now I don't know if she saved me, but something definitely was weird about the situation and I went from not being able to move, shitting my pants and feeling fine and walking around like nothing happened at all...Kind of crazy but I'll never forget that

Lots of crazy stuff happens in the Philippines, I'll share a similar experience,

When I was about 7 me and my family went to visit the Philippines. We briefly stayed out in the province (country) of Illocos. The neigborhood we stayed at is very rural, dirt roads, lots of farm land ect.

We were at my Grandma's house and my Dad wanted to visit his childhood friend even further out in the country, my Grandma protested and told my parents not to go in that area because there's a witch there. They wrote it off and didn't really take it too seriously and we headed over to his friend's house, me my parents and my little brother who was 4 at the time. As we were visiting it began to get late and my Mom wanted to head back to my Grandma's, they insisted we stayed and said they were going to roast a pig for us and we should just stay the night. Eventually we ended up leaving and my Dad's friend seemed a little upset about it.

Back at my Grandma's house my little brother was getting irrated and seemed to be coming down w/ a fever. He was throwing a tantrum and my parent's were worried he was getting sick. As my Mom went to lay him down on the bed he opened his eyes and said " I don't know you, I hate you!" but it wasn't in english it was in Illocano, ( the local language of the area of the Philippines). This was really stranges since me and my brother were born and raised in America and didn't speak or really understand any other langauge than english.

This ofcourse upset my parents and they let my Grandma know what was going on. She called a local witch doctor, an old lady that came and applied some sort of cream on my brother as well as speaking a strange language and lighting candles. This went on for at least an hour and when she was done my brother woke up and look at my Mom and said " I'm hungry".

Weird stuff I have a few other things that has happened to me personally while there I will share if anyone is interested
Lots of crazy stuff happens in the Philippines, I'll share a similar experience,

When I was about 7 me and my family went to visit the Philippines. We briefly stayed out in the province (country) of Illocos. The neigborhood we stayed at is very rural, dirt roads, lots of farm land ect.

We were at my Grandma's house and my Dad wanted to visit his childhood friend even further out in the country, my Grandma protested and told my parents not to go in that area because there's a witch there. They wrote it off and didn't really take it too seriously and we headed over to his friend's house, me my parents and my little brother who was 4 at the time. As we were visiting it began to get late and my Mom wanted to head back to my Grandma's, they insisted we stayed and said they were going to roast a pig for us and we should just stay the night. Eventually we ended up leaving and my Dad's friend seemed a little upset about it.

Back at my Grandma's house my little brother was getting irrated and seemed to be coming down w/ a fever. He was throwing a tantrum and my parent's were worried he was getting sick. As my Mom went to lay him down on the bed he opened his eyes and said " I don't know you, I hate you!" but it wasn't in english it was in Illocano, ( the local language of the area of the Philippines). This was really stranges since me and my brother were born and raised in America and didn't speak or really understand any other langauge than english.

This ofcourse upset my parents and they let my Grandma know what was going on. She called a local witch doctor, an old lady that came and applied some sort of cream on my brother as well as speaking a strange language and lighting candles. This went on for at least an hour and when she was done my brother woke up and look at my Mom and said " I'm hungry".

Weird stuff I have a few other things that has happened to me personally while there I will share if anyone is interested

trippy story tell us more!
These aren't ghost stories but kind of trippy (and kinda long.)

I'm a firm believer in the physical universe. I believe in an omniscient and omnipotent God but that the unexplained work their forces through the physical, material nature of science. That said, it has become evident that the oldest male children in my father's family and extended family have some precognitive/clairvoyant/telepathic/medium/whatever abilities. Before the trolls come, I want to explain something. I'm a cop and there has long been an effort to explain "hunches." Long ago, cops got lucky on hunches which was really just subconsciously picking up on non-verbal cues. This does not explain these stories.

Grandad- We come from a family of surveyors where part of the job is locating and documenting existing (and usually buried shallow) monuments and property markers. If we couldn't find a marker (not with a magnetic locator, laser distancing, both hands and flashlight,) Grandad just needed to glance at the map, walk over, jab the shovel in the ground and *THUNK.*

Dad- Maybe my father just got lucky. . . twice. We went to the local high school all-star football game and the price of admission was $3 for five 50/50 tickets. As we walk in, Dad stops and looks at the tickets. He tells me, "I'm gonna win." "Okay, Dad." "Really. I'm gonna win and with THIS ticket." He points to the fourth ticket. "Well maybe this one," and he points to the fifth. Dad was never in the habit of making absolute claims on anything. Half-time comes around and they call my father's fifth ticket.

Me- Uncle and Dad were really close. Best friends, up/downstairs neighbors and brothers. I had just moved into my new place for spring semester while Uncle Mike was in the hospital with a freak throat cancer. Only got sick a month prior. First night, I have unwanted and unstoppable thoughts of my father, grandfather and Uncle in trouble. My few hours of sleep were one long dream of my father yelling for me to help them. The next morning, I find out that a blood clot had killed Uncle and my father was nearly arrested when he flipped out and scared the $#!+ out of Sloan Kettering nurses and security. Similar with the death of a high school acquaitance. When my best friend's father died, I knew when I heard the phone ring who it was and why.

Cousin- Whenever somebody gets a motorcycle, someone says, "He's gonna die on that thing." Cousin said it like it was fact. . . and the day it would happen. Sure enough, on the day he called, he's walking his mother's dogs. They hear the sirens and he turns to her and says, "That's Brian." He follows the sound of sirens to find me putting Brian's girlfriend on a spinal board and the EMT's were putting Brian on a truck for the ME's office.
where the god damn shit are the new stories.
the other day i was sitting in my room and my parents had left about an hour earlier and i was alone in the house and i could swear i heard the fridge open, and i was like
" hummm i thought they left" so i walked in the kitchen thinking i was gonna see my mom looking into the fridge and sure enough nobody was there and my parents we gone
but the funny think is my dogs always come running when the fridge door opens and sure enough when i walked into the kitchen there they were 2 little shi tzu's just looking at the fridge door.
it was kinda strange, maybe it was all in my head or something but i thought i would share
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