Germans are real men now

I've read numerous articles that promote seated urination for males. The only benefit that is discussed that seems to be legit is that it is more likely to empty the bladder completely. The bacteria thing is not really an issue (Women are more prone to spread such things anyway, due to their equipment).

It's a cultural thing. Why do most men stand to pee (outdoor urination aside)? It is easy and fast...But what it really seems to boil down to is machismo.

I stand to pee because I love to oppress women. Not because it's faster and easier.

Seriously, though. Is Sweden going to get rid of their urinals?
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I stand to pee because I love to repress women. Not because it's faster and easier.

Seriously, though. Is Sweden going to get rid of their urinals?

Lol. That's not what I meant. Excessive male pride was what I was referring to.
Ugh, feminism.

No time for it.

Give a woman an inch and she'll take a mile.

I feel bad for Gus.
I sit down to pee when I have a raging hangover. Feels great to relax your junk for minutes at a time while resting your sweaty head against cool tiles.
I've read numerous articles that promote seated urination for males. The only benefit that is discussed that seems to be legit is that it is more likely to empty the bladder completely.]/b]

I've heard this before, and if anyone wants to help me out, I'd like to get some feedback on an idea that I had to better empty the bladder while standing. All you need to do is pee standing up as usual. When you're done, before you zip up and go one your way, press lightly on your perineum a few times and see if you get any extra pee out as a result. For me this works, but I've never asked anyone else if it worked for them... until now.
So the moral of this story is that it's OK for Germans to have piss poor aim?

Didn't some come from there. Finland and Sweden at one time were one nation but that was after the viking age.

"There is evidence of Viking settlement in the Finnish mainland."

OK, some of them just hung out there.
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You know what happened to Feminism? It worked... or rather, it's working.

Women are becoming more equal to men. They still have a ways to go (especially in a lot of "developing" nations), but it's pretty close.

What we're seeing now, IMHO, is the momentum of the movement taking some of it's members to far. It's like they've over shot the target. And also, like any movement, there are extremists involved, ruining the party for everyone.

It'll take a while to establish an equilibrium in the movement and for things to settle down. It won't be long before "Feminism" becomes a completely outdated term. Many would argue it's there already. I personally don't argue that yet, because, as I say, there's still work to be done in many nations around the planet where women are treated as second class citizens.

What will replace Feminism (and is already well on it's way to doing so), is just the idea that EVERYONE deserves equal and fair treatment/opportunity, not just men and women, but homosexuals, members of different races, religions etc.

These are all pretty new ideas in terms of humanity's history. We're just going through teething problems.

This is a great fucking post. Well done.

What feminists apparently cant accept is that their movement no longer stands for equality with the advent of the third wave. So while these extremists are escalating the conflict, men (the group most being affected by this overreaching batch of feminists) are beginning to organize in order to kill it with great prejudice.

If they really care about equality, they'll step off the extremism and rein themselves in, at least in the west. If not, the male extremists and moderates like myself are going to drag them into the deep water and eviscerate them. The MRAs can draw their ire while we moderates snipe their arguments one by one until they're little more than a historical footnote.

And I actually care about equality for everyone. Imagine what a MRA wants to do.
I stand to pee because I love to oppress women. Not because it's faster and easier.

Seriously, though. Is Sweden going to get rid of their urinals?

The urinals have to go. Male privilege and all of that.
What's an MRA?

Men's Rights Activists. They're good for pointing out hypocrisy, but shitty at tactful discussion for the most part. They're prone to getting caught up in the shit instead of holding frame and cutting through it.

Think the complement of third wave Feminism, but for males.
i've come across several scandinavian women who actually hate how feminized their men have become. it's one thing for the sexes to be treated equally in terms of pay and benefits, but men are women are different genetically, and socially. women don't want their men to act like women, and vice-versa.
You shouldn't refer to yourself as a 'man' if you're still pissing on the toilet seat/floor.

That's what children do who don't know how to hold their own dick.
I sit sometimes when I am really hammered cause I know I will fall over.
I clicked the link in the original post and saw the related story Students urged to pee in the shower".

They did the maths on this topic.
I consider myself a complete equal.

PERSONALLY I feel no need for feminism, and neither does my husband, or any of my friends.

I know that's not the way the world works though, and I have had the problems with the pay scale but right now? Don't give a shit.

That's because he's part of the male dominated patriarchy that is using their misogynistic tendencies to keep you down!:icon_twis:icon_lol:
Halten das schwanz besser

The main problem I see with modern feminism is that it's now very much a group struggling to stay relevant and keep the power it holds.

I just can't fathom them one day waking up and saying 'Welp, job well done girls! We can close shop and go home'. No matter what realities and statistics show. I just don't see it.