From the most reliable and trustworthy news source: CNN - Bacon is racist


Overdone and dry!
Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2008
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CNN commentator Hilary Rosen came under fire for two tweets on Saturday

Rosen called a Georgetown student an anti-Semitic bigot for wearing bacon suit

The student, Michael Bakan, pronounced 'bacon', was attending the Georgtown game against Syracuse on Saturday when Rosen made the comments

Bakan's friends and schoolmates quickly came to defend him on Twitter

Several of them called out Rosen for using 'misinformation' in her tweets.

Thank you CNN for calling out these obviously hate filled, alt-right, bigots!
I think it's time we as a society considering banning bacon.
Complains about news outlets integrity

Posts article from the Daily Mail

Sounds bout right.
first they take away christmas
now they wanna take our bacon too!
These people are hysterical and fanatical. This shows why the term racist has lost all meaning.
'Awesome, u found me! Thanks for telling me. I’m new to this school rivalry and got some bad info! I apologize and took down my tweet,' she tweeted at Bakan.

Following the incident, Bakan posted on Facebook: 'Not the best feeling when a CNN contributor attacks you on twitter, but hey - thanks mom & dad for a great last name.

Stupid things were said, apologies were made.

She's probably still stupid, otherwise no reason to not move on.
Bacon and racism related -

I was reading an interview with a Hungarian mayor about the immigrant quota, and the interviewer asked why he though Islam wasn't compatible with Hungarian culture. Paraphrasing here - "because of our 1100 year old tradition of slaughtering pigs, our love of bacon and alcohol." lol

This is just a bored housewife pooboo.
Another day another tweet upsetting sensitive snowflakes on the right
let this get stuck in all of your heads forever

Fact: The Daily Mail is an absolute rag which appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Fact: This still happened.

Fact: Rosen is considered an intelligent voice on the left, and has consulted with heads of the DNC.

Fact: Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Fact: This still happened.

Fact: Rosen is considered an intelligent voice on the left, and has consulted with heads of the DNC.

Fact: Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Fact: 100% of the threads started by right-wingers in the WR are about tweets