Friend Of Mine Has Dropped A Lot Of Weight Without Explanation

A couple of years ago a friend of mine, a co-worker, also began loosing weight without much reasoning, he eventually went to the doctor and found out he had stomach cancer. Died 6 months later.
He was 36.... Hopefully its not the same case as your friend

I'm not a doctor, but how exactly would stomach cancer lead to weight loss?

Most people with cancer lose weight due to loss of appetite due to the treatments.
I'm not a doctor, but how exactly would stomach cancer lead to weight loss?

Most people with cancer lose weight due to loss of appetite due to the treatments.
Some of the early symptons of stomach cancer are: indigestion, nausea, loss of apetite, stomach pain, vomiting, weight loss for no reason ... i suppose its dued to the growing infection, but there are other possibilities, and scientists are yet to know what exactly makes cancer.
Could mean more but could also just be random. Your weight fluctuates around depending on your lifestyle as an adult. When I went to college, I dropped to like 130 lbs. When I started smoking pot and learned how to cook, I went up to like 170. Nothing destructive, just different living situations, money, and cooking ability.
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Why don't you just ask for an explanation why he dropped a lot of weight?
Why don't you just ask for an explanation why he dropped a lot of weight?

No that's too straight forward.

He probably has alien brain parasites. TS you need to kill him and encase the body in cememnt or else the alien brain parasites will take over the Earth. Best hurry, time is of the essence.
I stopped reading at 10 stone. What a ridiculous measurement.
I used to go on some prolonged fasts with only water and I would lose quite a bit of weight

so much so that when people saw me after a bit would wonder if I was really sick

but yea in ts case, if guy is eating and still losing weight u gotta wonder about some of the scarier options
Some of the early symptons of stomach cancer are: indigestion, nausea, loss of apetite, stomach pain, vomiting, weight loss for no reason ... i suppose its dued to the growing infection, but there are other possibilities, and scientists are yet to know what exactly makes cancer.

Seems like "loss of appetite" and "vomiting" would be the reason for the weight loss. You can be incredibly sick, but if you're taking in calories, you're not going to lose weight.
Maybe he has a underlying illness. You should tell him to get checked out at the doctors. 8 stone is 112 Ibs .. thats extremely underweight for a adult male.. unless he is a dwarf??. how tall is he?.
So far, it seems most hypotheses consist of:
1) Crack
2) He got da herpetitaids

I would like to to hear the odds on "tapeworm" and "secretly training for a marathon" before placing my bet.

There we go!
Does his dick hang sideways?
Honestly though, Diabetes and Hyperthyroidism are what I think of when someone has undesired weight loss.