International France to tighten immigration rules after murder of student


Brown Belt
Dec 21, 2015
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France's new interior minister, Bruno Retailleu, has vowed to 'restore order' after a Moroccan migrant, who had already been convicted of rape in France, brutally raped and murdered a 19-year-old student before burying her body in a Paris forest (link).

France's new interior minister, Bruno Retailleu, has vowed to 'restore order' after a Moroccan migrant, who had already been convicted of rape in France, brutally raped and murdered a 19-year-old student before burying her body in a Paris forest (link).

Why was he still in the country after raping someone?
Part and parcel, diversity is our strength, etc etc etc.
It's one thing to be pro immigration and pro reform but why genuine convicted felons are given more rights than non convicted people IDK. He'll probably get state benefits for doing this.

Moroccans are actually on watch lists in the Netherlands because they have gained access to state employment.