Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss

God you post a lot of stupid shit and that one takes the cake... Stick to the virtue signaling with Ukraine.
Ask him about super "packs" in politics.

joe biden is as sharp as ever and i hope he brings up trump's cognitive decline as much as he can. the office of the president should be respected and dementia should be an immediate disqualifier.

trump is not mentally fit for the presidency.

I honestly don't care what Republicans are saying. I'm not Republican. It is purely my opinion based on what I see currently.
Again, I'm responding to your point, suggesting that the only reason people would think that Biden would "hang with Trump" in a debate is that they're being tricked by the evil media. When in fact, the reason everyone expects that is that they saw Biden stomp Trump four years ago, and Trump has gone downhill a lot since then.
It's fine if you disagree - we will find out. I would be pleasantly surprised if Joe smokes him. I sincerely don't see that happening though.

What is likelier is that they both look like fools and America collectively has an "oh shit.. what did we do" moment.
I think serious people have that feeling whenever they see Trump speak, and whenever people see Biden speak for an extended period, the reaction is "oh shit, it's not what Republicans had led me to expect. Dude knows his shit."
Again, I'm responding to your point, suggesting that the only reason people would think that Biden would "hang with Trump" in a debate is that they're being tricked by the evil media. When in fact, the reason everyone expects that is that they saw Biden stomp Trump four years ago, and Trump has gone downhill a lot since then.

I think serious people have that feeling whenever they see Trump speak, and whenever people see Biden speak for an extended period, the reaction is "oh shit, it's not what Republicans had led me to expect. Dude knows his shit."

I think that just means you are biased.

Right-leaning folks may tend to think Trump looks and sounds great for his age. Just like you do for Biden.
joe biden is as sharp as ever and i hope he brings up trump's cognitive decline as much as he can. the office of the president should be respected and dementia should be an immediate disqualifier.

trump is not mentally fit for the presidency.

Dude..who ever made that clip was good at their trade... There's no way that was real and if it is then what the hell was he doing/
I think that just means you are biased.

Right-leaning folks may tend to think Trump looks and sounds great for his age. Just like you do for Biden.
The very fact Trump was given the "Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV" test in the first place indicates not biased liberals, but people close to him, realize there is a problem. That test is not an IQ test; it's a test specifically for people who are suspected of having cognitive problems.
Have you ever watched the Joe Biden/ Conan O'Brien interview? It was maybe 5 months ago. It's just two guys having a normal convo. Around the same time Trump was on Brett Baier's show. He was legit deranged and incoherent. At one point Baier asked him something like: "How are you planning to win over suburban white women who do not support you right now?" Trump responded with something like: "We're winning! We're winning so strongly! You just have to look at the right polls! We won in 2020 too!" Just diatribes that had nothing to do with the question asked.

Something else people should pay attention to, is the members of their respective inner circles. How many cabinet members, or very close Trump insiders, have come out and called him some variation of "fucking moron," said he's incompetent and losing it? Quite a lot. Now compare that to how many have said similar about Biden.

Trump's former chief of staff is publicly saying "God help us!" if Trump wins again. That sort of thing isn't happening with Biden. This can't be blamed on the media.

This? Are you fucking serious? Lmao
The very fact Trump was given the "Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV" test in the first place indicates not biased liberals, but people close to him, realize there is a problem. That test is not an IQ test; it's a test specifically for people who are suspected of having cognitive problems.

I have made it very clear on here that I have major concerns about both. I am not defending Trump. I am sure that he has problems as well even if they are not as apparent as Biden's elderly dementia-like episodes.
I think that just means you are biased.

Right-leaning folks may tend to think Trump looks and sounds great for his age. Just like you do for Biden.
You don't think objective reality exists?
You don't think objective reality exists?

I find it hard to believe anyone could look at either of these candidates and say, with a straight face, that they look completely cogent and healthy - as is expected of the President of the United States.

Anyone who does, to me, is being biased with a subjective perspective.. or they are just straight up untruthful.
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No you can't. You can have an opinion on who won the debate. You can base that opinion on certain facts(like perhaps getting numbers on a subject accurate, or whatever), but since is there no official score or criteria for a definitive "winner", your opinion on who won, will remain just that. An opinion. It's why at the end of the debate, they do "opinion" polls on who won.

This is elementary school shit, guys. I know that being a narcissistic Liberal, thinking your opinion is fact just comes as naturally as breathing, but no. There are objective facts and subjective opinions. That's not my opinion. That's a fact.
The candidates will hopefully be stating facts right? Because if one spews lies and has no idea what they're talking about, like the triad defense, then you can objectively claim they lost the debate.
joe biden is as sharp as ever and i hope he brings up trump's cognitive decline as much as he can.

damn straight. cardio joe has got stamina for days. ain't no way that kumquat pol pot even shows up for this debate. he'll tuck his dick and cluck. probably got a meeting with his probation officer or whatever.
People confuse TRUTHFULLY expressing your SUBJECTIVE opinion with being OBJECTIVE. it's a bit of an IQ test.
There's no confusing stating facts and untruths though right? Let's wait and see how it goes and it might be possible to objectively state one or the other was speaking truthfully.
I find it hard to believe anyone could look at either of these candidates and say, with a straight face, that they look completely cogent and healthy - as is expected of the President of the United States.

Anyone who does, to me, is being biased with a subjective perspective.. or they are just straight up untruthful.
I'd say it's the opposite. The GOP narrative about Biden having dementia or being less sharp than Trump is obviously ridiculous, and I don't think most of them even believe it truly (hence this PED silliness or deceptive edits--if you guys really bought your own stuff, you'd just show real evidence).
Frankly, all Trump needs to do is allow Biden to talk.

The mute button should work nicely in his favor as it did in their second debate last time. Biden is a meek old loser and Trump should approach the debate as such. He doesn’t need to run roughshod over the old bastard.

People are done with Biden but the pant shitter does invoke sympathy with normies as he stutters and blunders. Hell, even I feel sorry for him and he’s sold this country out worse than any President in history.

Also, Biden without a doubt is on uppers when he needs to perform be it a debate or state of the union. He is still an embarrassment even on his PEDs. .

This isn’t the Olympics. If the President needs drugs to stay awake, I suppose he should be allowed to take them.

But nobody really wins debates. They don’t move the needle unless somebody really shits the bed…but even then..John Fetterman had the most embarrassing debate performance I’ve ever seen and he still won his seat handily.

My recollection is they only had one debate but had three scheduled. After the first debate disaster Trump pulled out of the remaining two debates.