Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss

Imagine listening to anything that came out of the mouth of Sean Hannity. Absolute hack of a human being and one of the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve ever heard speak. Embarrassing that conservative Americans accept this as their mouthpiece.
They don't. When have you ever seen any conservative on here cite Sean Hannity? Only left wingers post Sean Hannity on here, and the audience for his show is almost all older people who just have the TV on. The 18-49 audience is almost non existent.

I don't know how the media has made people believe that Biden could hang with Trump in a debate. That is some crazy brainwashing.
Because we watched it happen in 2020? Trump did so bad in the debate, he dick tucked from the next one.

That's when the wild accusations of Biden being on PEDS and using an earpiece started. Team Trump spent so much time accusing Biden of being demented, but when they got on stage together, Biden was fine and Trump was unhinged. So much so that this famously happened:


More recently, Biden did great at his last state of the union, while Trump is ranting about Sharks and shit.

Anyway, I think this is all likely to be a moot point. I sincerely doubt Trump will actually show up to the debates.

This is coming from someone who dislikes both candidates.. Trump is old and deteriorating mentally and a criminal clown.. but Biden is OLD old and needs drugs to know where/who he is and what he is doing.

Both sides are brainwashed and for people like me (which there are plenty) it's extremely tough to watch this election play out. I thought the US was better than this.
All this "objective" vs. "subjective" masturbatory discourse is another way of saying, ultimately, anything is possible...which if true (it technically is), but it essentially leads to a justification so that people can feel justified feeling however the fuck they want about whatever the fuck they want. In that sense, there's zero point in discussing anything...the lefties on here are using the word "objective" to describe an honest Appraisal of reality in event Biden or Trump clearly gets the better of the debate as it pertains to honest observation. The righties are just using the devil's advocate position that essentially everything is subjective (it is through a human lens and a sober recounting of history) to justify whatever they want to justify in the end.
How come Trump drags his right foot when he walks now? Did he have a stroke or something? Is it from the Bone Spurs that kept him out of the military?
The facts(the color of the sky) helps inform the opinion that the participants make. One person may say “that sky looks light blue” another may say “that sky looks blue”. Both are opinions.
So one guy says the sky is blue and the other says the sky is polka dots. Can you objectively opine on who was wrong?
Making a response thread in 2024 to...Fox News?

Fox needs all the clicks they can get after paying out almost 900 million for lying about the election being stolen. Consider it charity.
It's not independents that swing, though. There aren't enough to get the kinds of results we see. And even here, I think a lot of Trump supporters realized that Trump lost badly last time. Going further back, a lot of Obama supporters here thought he lost the first debate to Romney, and then a lot of Romney supporters thought Obama won the next one. A lot of Republicans thought Biden beat Ryan too. And then Clinton won by a really big margins in the debates with Trump also. I think the Nostra/Cottage/Whippy/Rob types who never concede anything to reality are a majority of hardcore politics fans but more like 70-30 than 99-1. And most people who watch debates are not hardcore fans. That's kind of the fun thing about them--they bring the stuff that everyone is talking about in places like this to the mainstream for a day.
I believe it is in terms of swinging votes though this year stands to be pretty interesting. I guess lets see how the voting goes here. Watching the forum here, there isnt very much given to the other side in terms of objectivity imo. Most of it is similar to the public. Polarized and rigid. It will be a welcome surprise though. Guess we will see how it goes.
All this "objective" vs. "subjective" masturbatory discourse is another way of saying, ultimately, anything is possible...which if true (it technically is), but it essentially leads to a justification so that people can feel justified feeling however the fuck they want about whatever the fuck they want. In that sense, there's zero point in discussing anything...the lefties on here are using the word "objective" to describe an honest Appraisal of reality in event Biden or Trump clearly gets the better of the debate as it pertains to honest observation. The righties are just using the devil's advocate position that essentially everything is subjective (it is through a human lens and a sober recounting of history) to justify whatever they want to justify in the end.
And they're never consistent about it. If you're just a regular person interested in getting things right, you want to look at facts. If you're a partisan with the facts on your side, you want to look at facts. If you're a partisan with the facts not on your side, you're going to say that everything is just subjective.
Because we watched it happen in 2020? Trump did so bad in the debate, he dick tucked from the next one.

That's when the wild accusations of Biden being on PEDS and using an earpiece started. Team Trump spent so much time accusing Biden of being demented, but when they got on stage together, Biden was fine and Trump was unhinged. So much so that this famously happened:


More recently, Biden did great at his last state of the union, while Trump is ranting about Sharks and shit.

Anyway, I think this is all likely to be a moot point. I sincerely doubt Trump will actually show up to the debates.

I agree he did well in 2020.

4 years is a long time when you are that old though. I truly don't believe he is the same guy or that we should expect anything similar.

That is the problem with the elderly. They can deteriorate very, very quickly.

Go back and watch the 2020 debates and tell me with a straight face that is the same Joe Biden.

I also agree he did well at the state of the union, but that is not a debate. That is reading off a teleprompter.
I agree he did well in 2020.

4 years is a long time when you are that old though. I truly don't believe he is the same guy or that we should expect anything similar.

That is the problem with the elderly. They can deteriorate very, very quickly.

Go back and watch the 2020 debates and tell me with a straight face that is the same Joe Biden.

I also agree he did well at the state of the union, but that is not a debate. That is reading off a teleprompter.
But Republicans were saying the same thing in 2020. And Trump is obviously losing it at a much greater rate (and he never had any understanding of policy to begin with). If Biden ever does develop a real problem, you guys will be the boys who cried wolf.
you know well the mic mute was because Trump kept interrupting last time.

As I said in my first post ITT. That helped Biden last time. It was dumb of them to implement it.
But Republicans were saying the same thing in 2020. And Trump is obviously losing it at a much greater rate (and he never had any understanding of policy to begin with).

I honestly don't care what Republicans are saying. I'm not Republican. It is purely my opinion based on what I see currently.

It's fine if you disagree - we will find out. I would be pleasantly surprised if Joe smokes him. I sincerely don't see that happening though.

What is likelier is that they both look like fools and America collectively has an "oh shit.. what did we do" moment.
So one guy says the sky is blue and the other says the sky is polka dots. Can you objectively opine on who was wrong?
You can say you agree with the one opinion and not the other. They are still both opinions.

If someone said “the sky’s color is determined by light refracting through the atmosphere which hits each individuals eyes and based on their level of eye health, that person sees a certain color”. That’s an objective fact.
I agree he did well in 2020.

4 years is a long time when you are that old though. I truly don't believe he is the same guy or that we should expect anything similar.

That is the problem with the elderly. They can deteriorate very, very quickly.

Go back and watch the 2020 debates and tell me with a straight face that is the same Joe Biden.

I also agree he did well at the state of the union, but that is not a debate. That is reading off a teleprompter.
Have you ever watched the Joe Biden/ Conan O'Brien interview? It was maybe 5 months ago. It's just two guys having a normal convo. Around the same time Trump was on Brett Baier's show. He was legit deranged and incoherent. At one point Baier asked him something like: "How are you planning to win over suburban white women who do not support you right now?" Trump responded with something like: "We're winning! We're winning so strongly! You just have to look at the right polls! We won in 2020 too!" Just diatribes that had nothing to do with the question asked.

Something else people should pay attention to, is the members of their respective inner circles. How many cabinet members, or very close Trump insiders, have come out and called him some variation of "fucking moron," said he's incompetent and losing it? Quite a lot. Now compare that to how many have said similar about Biden.

Trump's former chief of staff is publicly saying "God help us!" if Trump wins again. That sort of thing isn't happening with Biden. This can't be blamed on the media.
Fox needs all the clicks they can get after paying out almost 900 million for lying about the election being stolen. Consider it charity.
So stop watching them?
You can say you agree with the one opinion and not the other. They are still both opinions.

If someone said “the sky’s color is determined by light refracting through the atmosphere which hits each individuals eyes and based on their level of eye health, that person sees a certain color”. That’s an objective fact.
You can easily just get to the philosophical ending of this silly back and forth and state "nothing is objective"...because nothing in the human lexicon of thought or discourse is without subjectivity.

There has to be some standard of shared understanding of the word "reasonable"...your position with respect to opinions essentially renders any debate moot, which may or may not be your goal.
Have you ever watched the Joe Biden/ Conan O'Brien interview? It was maybe 5 months ago. It's just two guys having a normal convo. Around the same time Trump was on Brett Baier's show. He was legit deranged and incoherent. At one point Baier asked him something like: "How are you planning to win over suburban white women who do not support you right now?" Trump responded with something like: "We're winning! We're winning so strongly! You just have to look at the right polls! We won in 2020 too!" Just diatribes that had nothing to do with the question asked.

Something else people should pay attention to, is the members of their respective inner circles. How many cabinet members, or very close Trump insiders, have come out and called him some variation of "fucking moron," said he's incompetent and losing it? Quite a lot. Now compare that to how many have said similar about Biden.

Trump's former chief of staff is publicly saying "God help us!" if Trump wins again. That sort of thing isn't happening with Biden. This can't be blamed on the media.

Again, I am not defending Trump when I make these comments about Biden. I am no fan of Trump and I do not endorse him to be president. Not only is he getting older as well, he is a convicted criminal with all sorts of problems - but that is for another thread.

All of that still doesn't deter me from also being real about Biden and what I'm seeing. It is extremely concerning to me.

I hope the debate happens so that we can actually see them both with our own eyes together and make the comparison in real time.