Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss

No they arent. You can have an opinion based on fact that has nothing to do with how you personally view the situation. Here I'll give you an example:

There's a guy who lives on my block who hates that the kids in the cul-de-sac ride electric bikes and scooters. So he started taking video of it, he said to show the police. My wife said "he shouldn't be taking videos of our kids." I told her there's nothing legally wrong with it. My objective opinion is that it's not a practice necessitating involving law enforcement. The fact is, it's not against the law and that overrides my personal feelings...my wife had a problem with the statement "there's nothing wrong with it."

What I did do was encourage my older Son to stand across the street and take video of him whenever he's outside, because turnabout is fair play.
You can have objective elements help formulate and inform an opinion, but subjectivity is the very thing that makes it an opinion and not a fact.

That’s the whole point of opinions.
LOL, then it's just a fact. If recording people in your neighborhood isn't illegal, then you're just repeating a fact that it's not a matter for law enforcement. This isn't difficult.
I have started to like him, but arguing that opinions can be objective is silly.

You can have objective facts help inform your opinion but the opinion is based on your own subjectivity. That’s why it’s an opinion and not a fact.
There are objective facts. There aren't objective opinions. If you're repeating a fact, it's just a fact. Not an opinion.

Saying "Biden/Trump won the debate" is not a fact. It's an opinion.

This is so weird coming from the "words have meanings" crowd. There are definitely objective opinions. This is just demonstrating that you dont know what an opinion actually is and why there are qualifiers such as "objective" vs "personal."

You can have an objective opinion that conflicts with your personal one.
This is so weird coming from the "words have meanings" crowd. There are definitely objective opinions. This is just demonstrating that you dont know what an opinion actually is and why there are qualifiers such as "objective" vs "personal."

You can have an objective opinion that conflicts with your personal one.
LOL at that incoherent nonsense.

Look, you tried to be a smarty pants and said something incredibly stupid. It happens. Try to get punched in the head less.
LOL, then it's just a fact. If recording people in your neighborhood isn't illegal, then you're just repeating a fact that it's not a matter for law enforcement. This isn't difficult.

I like how you completely ignored the bold part. The opinion wasnt that is illegal, it was that there's nothing wrong with it. My objective opinion is there's nothing wrong with it, based on the legality of it.

My personal opinion is that it isnt cool to take videos of other people's kids who also aren't doing anything illegal because you're mad at them in a quasi-threatening manner.
Making a response thread in 2024 to...Fox News?

There are definitely objective opinions.
Dude, there aren’t. Anything objective is a fact. You can form an opinion based on objective facts, but the very foundation of an opinion is your subjectivity.

Anything that is reality, or in other words outside of someone’s belief or subjectivity, is a fact.

An opinion inherently can’t be purely objectively or it wouldnt be an opinion. Literally an opinion is singular to one persons belief which is the definition of subjective!
LOL at that incoherent nonsense.

Look, you tried to be a smarty pants and said something incredibly stupid. It happens. Try to get punched in the head less.

Look just because you're incapable of formulating an opinion that doesnt originate solely from your feelings doesnt mean everyone else is as well.
Yeah... not sure confident in Trump's ability to let Biden hang himself.

Trump should just keep turning questions around back to how Biden handled various topics.

- Inflation
"Inflation was 2% when I left office, but Biden's policies lead to 40 year record highs in inflation...

- The Border
"The border was secure during my term... But Biden's rolled back my policies leading to record high's in illegal immigration. Forcing cities to accomodate them while neglecting their own citizens.

- The Afghan withdrawal
Enough said...

- Vaccine Mandates
" I proposed states enact their own COVID policies, but Biden tried to force a vaccine mandate on the American people through OSHA, by-passing Congress and the will of the American People.

Etc... All Trump really has to do is highlight how people were better during his term than under Biden. There's several polls showing that American had a better outlook in 2019 than during Biden's term.. Just Stay Focused....

But Trump can't help himself... One question on Jan 6th will turn into fucking incoherent diatribe by Trump. And you know that one is coming. Among others.

Don't worry... Biden will also be a shitshow. lol...

Amazing US politics
There are plenty of holes with Trump's policies.

He put our country in the biggest debt since WW2 in a pre-pandemic landscape.

Less people had jobs at the end of his term than the start of it.
+15 million Jobs Under Biden's 4 years
-2.9 million Jobs Under Trump's 4 years

Biden had lower unemployments rates and GDP growth all across the board.

Avg GDP Growth under Biden: 3.1%
Avg GDP Growth under Trump: 2.2%

Avg Unemployment Under Biden: 4.1%
Avg Unemployment Under Trump: 5.1%

But you, dumb fucks think that Trump can magically lower inflation and gas prices by reducing taxes on billion dollar corporations....
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Dude, there aren’t. Anything objective is a fact. You can form an opinion based on objective facts

You just used the definition of an objective opinion to argue that they dont exist.
I like how you completely ignored the bold part. The opinion wasnt that is illegal, it was that there's nothing wrong with it. My objective opinion is there's nothing wrong with it, based on the legality of it.
How are you not getting this? Your "opinion" is that there's nothing wrong with it because it's literally not illegal. You're not relaying an "opinion". You're relaying a fact.

I'm arguing with a four year old.
You just used the definition of an objective opinion to argue that they dont exist.
My brother in Christ, how are you not understanding this?

Facts can help formulate opinions. The opinion is subjective.

“I think the Patriots the greatest football franchise in NFL history.”

That’s an opinion.

The facts I use to formulate that opinion are objective: SB wins, record, accomplishments etc.
How are you not getting this? Your "opinion" is that there's nothing wrong with it because it's literally not illegal. You're not relaying an "opinion". You're relaying a fact.

I'm arguing with a four year old.
How is he not understanding this?

It’s not an opinion of the legality of something. That’s objective. Whether someone thinks it’s right or wrong is an opinion based on the objective facts forming the opinion.
Looks like a struck a nerve with one of Trump’s most hopelessly devoted cult members. Biden won the first debate by any metric you want to look at. Now respond with your usual gif in place of actually words since those are hard.
Thought so. No quotes, no clips, just your emotions.
Four years ago, Republicans were saying that he was 77 and deteriorating, and it blew up in their face. It was also a big humiliation for Republicans when Biden did so well at the SOTU just recently. Meanwhile, Trump is known to have some more legitimate concerns, and he can't even answer a straight question. Hell, look at this from 2020:

And he's deteriorated even more from that point.

I think stuff like the OP vid and the constant misleadingly edited vids show that Republicans mostly don't even believe their own attacks on Biden, but they feel obligated to make them out of deference to Trump.

I'm not arguing that Trump isn't. I never said that he was not. I think that he is too.

But Biden certainty is. I don't know how any impartial person could say he isn't. If you asked someone 10 years ago if we'd ever have a president in their 80s they'd argue that there is no chance in hell we'd let that happen.
Thought so. No quotes, no clips, just your emotions.
You start your response to me with an insult, you get the same level of respect back. Posting clips does no good because you’re too blinded by your partisan bias. But here are some poll results:

Inb4 “polls are fake unless they say what I agree with.”
I have started to like him, but arguing that opinions can be objective is silly.

You can have objective facts help inform your opinion but the opinion is based on your own subjectivity. That’s why it’s an opinion and not a fact.
But facts can show which of two people is correct. Maybe they both present an equally strong case for their party but most debates you can determine who the winner and loser was if you're an unbiased observer.
i won't argue with that. i don't think he has a plan. probably less than the last time.
He has a plan given to him (the Heritage Foundation's abomination). And it connects a bit with what he was frustrated with last time--he wasn't able to have his opponents arrested, have gov't agencies give false stats to help his re-election, coerce other countries into helping him using public money, have people help him stay in power when he had no legal right to it. He was able to get a big tax cut for people like him and he was able to leverage office to finally become a billionaire for real.
You start your response to me with an insult, you get the same level of respect back. Posting clips does no good because you’re too blinded by your partisan bias. But here are some poll results:

Inb4 “polls are fake unless they say what I agree with.”
good luck trying to reason with him. his brain is too fried from decades of excessive incel forum content and prolonged frustrated virginity that logic is too sophisticated to work on him.
But facts can show which of two people is correct. Maybe they both present an equally strong case for their party but most debates you can determine who the winner and loser was if you're an unbiased observer.
correct on what?

You can be an unbiased observer in your own mind but your opinion on the outcome is still an opinion based on your subjective reality. If you like someone who talks fast or talks slow or uses big words or small words that will help form your opinion. Just because someone says they are “unbiased” doesn’t make their opinion less subjective.

You can say “that debate participant was correct when they stated that fact” that’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.

Saying “that person won the debate because they used more facts” is a subjective opinion.

Gentlemen, opinions are inherently subjective. If you state a fact, it’s not an opinion.