Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss


They aren't, you clown, YOU are the one saying that.

FFS, you dorks are on here pretending Biden "curbstomped" Trump in the last debates, and none of you have posted a single clip or segment, not not quotes, or even a paraphrase of where you think Biden "owned" anything, you just claim it with nothing to support it. The most notable thing that happened in the last debate was Joe getting called out for his family's corruption, claiming nobody in his family ever made a penny in China, and claimed the laptop full of emails detailing their corruption was "Russian disinformation", both of which have been proven to be lies, and Kristen Welker cutting off the conversation to save him and say "ok, I want to get back to calling you a racist".

Not even democrats thought Biden "won" anything at the time, they all said the moderator "won" the debate, and there would obviously be a million videos of all these instances of Biden "owning" Trump if they existed anywhere, but you can't because everything Biden said has been proven to be lies already.

Looks like a struck a nerve with one of Trump’s most hopelessly devoted cult members. Biden won the first debate by any metric you want to look at. Now respond with your usual gif in place of actually words since those are hard.
The projection in these threads are hilarious. Biden is a braindead husk at this point that looks like he'd be drooling in a corner in an old folks home without his handlers. They'll both be on a cocktail of uppers. Trump's only concern is being too much of an overbearing jackass cause Biden is cooked.

I have it on good word that Biden is the head of the greatest and most notorious crime syndicate the Country has ever known. He has strategically leveraged against foreign interests while selling our Country to them, he has successfully war-mongered harder than any previous President while simultaneously being a giant p*ssy incapable of defending America or the free World, and most importantly he has captured the Presidency in the greatest act of fraud in which every Federal Court including the overwhelmingly conservative Supreme Court, 1/3 appointed by the previous administration all had to kiss the ring in embarrassment. And he is currently involved in a lucrative ingenious act of sacrificing his own Son to the Justice System just to make it seem impartial so no one doubts his obviously weaponized DOJ's mission to imprison his political opponent.
If you watch you can have an objective opinion right? If all you want to do is complain that's fine too.
People that watch have a SUBJECTIVE opinion.
this isn't mathematics where you can have objective opinions.
it's going to be the usual in-group shilling.
People have seen Biden debate Trump with their own eyes. He didn't "hang with" Trump; he destroyed him. And Trump was so humiliated, he backed out of the next one.

Biden is 81 now and deteriorating. Not the same guy.
People that watch have a SUBJECTIVE opinion.
this isn't mathematics where you can have objective opinions.
it's going to be the usual in-group shilling.
Yeah, depends on your criteria, and setting the criteria itself is somewhat subjective. But a lot of people at least claim to have some similar criteria. Like, do we care if factual claims are accurate? A lot of Trump fans and religious types don't, but they don't admit that. Do we care if there is a strong basis for believing that claims about policy add up? Again, some people don't, but they don't come out and say that.
No. Opinions don't deal in objectivity. They're just opinions. As there is no official scoring in debates, there are no official winners or losers.

Lol@"no such thing as objective opinion"

Well that certainly explains a lot.
Yeah, depends on your criteria, and setting the criteria itself is somewhat subjective. But a lot of people at least claim to have some similar criteria. Like, do we care if factual claims are accurate? A lot of Trump fans and religious types don't, but they don't admit that. Do we care if there is a strong basis for believing that claims about policy add up? Again, some people don't, but they don't come out and say that.
thing is, i don't think objective criteria fit a debate between these two candidates, because their very presence in the debate is a failure and the people behind them are more concerned not with making sure their facts are straight, but if they can get a soundbite out of the whole affair on which their entire "my guy won the debate" argumentation will lean on, plus making sure their guy doesn't show what everyone can see, that they are ridiculously too old for this job.

if these were a couple of 50-60 year olds, yeah, focus on facts and policy plans might be a solution.
Lol@"no such thing as objective opinion"

Well that certainly explains a lot.
I mean, opinions are inherently subjective. That’s what makes them opinions.

Opinions can incorporate objective elements, but they are not purely objective. Opinions are subjective by nature, as they are based on individual beliefs, preferences, and interpretations. However, they can be supported by objective facts and evidence.
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Is there any Biden that could pass a drug test? Both his kids have been to rehab like 50 times, his son is a convicted gun criminal because of his crack smoking, a mysterious bag of cocaine turned up in Biden's white house with no interest in finding out whose it was.
Is there any chance that Trump could pass a drug test? He has been convicted of 34 felonies, whats the stigma about snorting some snow with a side of hookers?
Lol@"no such thing as objective opinion"

Well that certainly explains a lot.
There are objective facts. There aren't objective opinions. If you're repeating a fact, it's just a fact. Not an opinion.

Saying "Biden/Trump won the debate" is not a fact. It's an opinion.
Biden is 81 now and deteriorating. Not the same guy.
Four years ago, Republicans were saying that he was 77 and deteriorating, and it blew up in their face. It was also a big humiliation for Republicans when Biden did so well at the SOTU just recently. Meanwhile, Trump is known to have some more legitimate concerns, and he can't even answer a straight question. Hell, look at this from 2020:

Hannity: What is — what are your top priority items for a second term?

Trump: Well, one of the things that will be really great. You know, the word "experience" is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word "experience" is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning. I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden I’m president of the United States. You know the story of riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our first lady and I say, "This is great," but I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York.

And he's deteriorated even more from that point.

I think stuff like the OP vid and the constant misleadingly edited vids show that Republicans mostly don't even believe their own attacks on Biden, but they feel obligated to make them out of deference to Trump.
thing is, i don't think objective criteria fit a debate between these two candidates, because their very presence in the debate is a failure and the people behind them are more concerned not with making sure their facts are straight, but if they can get a soundbite out of the whole affair on which their entire "my guy won the debate" argumentation will lean on, plus making sure their guy doesn't show what everyone can see, that they are ridiculously too old for this job.

if these were a couple of 50-60 year olds, yeah, focus on facts and policy plans might be a solution.
I think if people are serious, a focus on facts and policy plans is what they want. But Trump doesn't even know as much about what's going on or about policy as the average person so he prefers to make everything like a reality show.
I think if people are serious, a focus on facts and policy plans is what they want. But Trump doesn't even know as much about what's going on or about policy as the average person so he prefers to make everything like a reality show.
i won't argue with that. i don't think he has a plan. probably less than the last time.
I mean, opinions are inherently subjective. That’s what makes them opinions.

No they arent. You can have an opinion based on fact that has nothing to do with how you personally view the situation. Here I'll give you an example:

There's a guy who lives on my block who hates that the kids in the cul-de-sac ride electric bikes and scooters. So he started taking video of it, he said to show the police. My wife said "he shouldn't be taking videos of our kids." I told her there's nothing legally wrong with it. My objective opinion is that it's not a practice necessitating involving law enforcement. The fact is, it's not against the law and that overrides my personal feelings...my wife had a problem with the statement "there's nothing wrong with it."

What I did do was encourage my older Son to stand across the street and take video of him whenever he's outside, because turnabout is fair play.
Biden is kind of a bad match up for Trump honestly because the way you beat Biden is you let him talk and expose his mush brain but Trump's style is to jump all over you and not let you talk which makes Trump look like he's bullying a nice old man at a bus stop.
I think thats both of their weakness. Just Trumpers will bend over backwards to defend his horseshit.

No. Opinions don't deal in objectivity. They're just opinions. As there is no official scoring in debates, there are no official winners or losers.
People will prefer one side's answers over the other's based on ideology but with these two old fucks there's likely to be a train wreck. It should be easy enough to objectively state which of the two stayed on track and which one went off on a rant or was just oblivious to what was going on.