Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss

Trump knows he is on decline likely faster then Biden. Both old but Biden exercises a ton more then Trump outside of golfing. Biden though older then Trump is not overweight an Trump not 220 lbs more likely 30 to 40 plus pounds heavier. I really wish Democrats would do more to defend these factors.
Trump walks zero steps while golfing, he carts every inch as he thinks exercise is bad.
Since when is golf exercise?
They probably shoot him up with massive doses of stimulants every time he needs to be speaking in public. the guy is walking dead. look how everybody around him had to act while he was in europe. there's nobody home.
And when he completely curbstomps Trump in the debate ?
CNN: "You have to be at 15% in the polls to be on the debate stage"

RFK Jr. "I'm over that threshold"

CNN: "You have to your party's nominee"

RFK Jr: "The conventions haven't happened yet. Therefore, there is no Democratic or Republican nominees yet"

CNN (checks notes): "Umm....You have to be on enough ballots to reach 270 electoral votes"

RFK Jr.: "The ballots haven't been printed yet."

CNN: "Listen, this isn't really a debate. Our ratings are horrible. We just want conflict on a stage. Heck, we will even have commercial breaks. We're going to treat this spectacle like an episode of Crossfire from the late 90s.

Viewer: "I wonder if the corporations that bought ad space for this "debate" were allowed to have input on the questions."
Meanwhile, Biden's handlers are making the rounds trying to assure people that he can stand for an hour.
Biden is kind of a bad match up for Trump honestly because the way you beat Biden is you let him talk and expose his mush brain but Trump's style is to jump all over you and not let you talk which makes Trump look like he's bullying a nice old man at a bus stop.

I think the caveat with the muted mics will help Trump a lot more than Biden and seems like a huge misstep from the Biden camp.

They should want Biden speaking as little as possible.
For a lot of Biden voters, he will have "curbstomped" Trump just by being alive. Don't act like this isn't going to get claimed irrespective of his performance.
I'm pretty sure when Trump can't form a coherent thought and still has no idea what a "policy" is, everyone will realize the score. Biden will do fine in the debate, Trump will look like the decrepit moron he is...again.

It kinda sounds like you're setting up the old "don't believe what you just saw" argument, where after everyone watches Trump get absolutely embarrassed by Trump (and Biden), you get to tell us it didn't really happen, and that if you go back and watch it again Trump really was playing 4D chess...he was just pretending to make himself look lost to give people a false sense of hope that Biden did well.
I don't know how the media has made people believe that Biden could hang with Trump in a debate. That is some crazy brainwashing.

This is coming from someone who dislikes both candidates.. Trump is old and deteriorating mentally and a criminal clown.. but Biden is OLD old and needs drugs to know where/who he is and what he is doing.

Both sides are brainwashed and for people like me (which there are plenty) it's extremely tough to watch this election play out. I thought the US was better than this.
Biden is kind of a bad match up for Trump honestly because the way you beat Biden is you let him talk and expose his mush brain but Trump's style is to jump all over you and not let you talk which makes Trump look like he's bullying a nice old man at a bus stop.

I think the caveat with the muted mics will help Trump a lot more than Biden and seems like a huge misstep from the Biden camp.

They should want Biden speaking as little as possible.

Unless of course they turn Biden's mic off due to "technical" problems when he starts to ramble. Then keep cutting Trump anytime to cut his time to answer. It depends on how the mic is controlled
I don't know how the media has made people believe that Biden could hang with Trump in a debate. That is some crazy brainwashing.

This is coming from someone who dislikes both candidates.. Trump is old and deteriorating mentally and a criminal clown.. but Biden is OLD old and needs drugs to know where/who he is and what he is doing.

Both sides are brainwashed and for people like me (which there are plenty) it's extremely tough to watch this election play out. I thought the US was better than this.

Well if they give his handlers all the question so they can script all his answers and they get him to read the prompter.
It kinda sounds like you're setting up the old "don't believe what you just saw" argument, where after everyone watches Trump get absolutely embarrassed by Trump (and Biden), you get to tell us it didn't really happen, and that if you go back and watch it again Trump really was playing 4D chess...he was just pretending to make himself look lost to give people a false sense of hope that Biden did well.
meh. this is just generic drivel. you should adapt these posts to posters. i won't even watch the debate. i'm just commenting on what i've seen over and over. each side will think their side will win, has won, would have won in any circumstances. now it's the pre-debate time when the "victory conditions" are formulated out of thin air.

it's childish shit and i'm calling it as it is.
Unless of course they turn Biden's mic off due to "technical" problems when he starts to ramble. Then keep cutting Trump anytime to cut his time to answer. It depends on how the mic is controlled

Gullible me thinking the mic mute was to stop them talking over each other. I'm sure that's exactly the plan ha ha.
I don't know how the media has made people believe that Biden could hang with Trump in a debate. That is some crazy brainwashing.

This is coming from someone who dislikes both candidates.. Trump is old and deteriorating mentally and a criminal clown.. but Biden is OLD old and needs drugs to know where/who he is and what he is doing.

Both sides are brainwashed and for people like me (which there are plenty) it's extremely tough to watch this election play out. I thought the US was better than this.
Agree with your points/opinions here besides the bolded. I find it highly enjoyable, and we are definitely not better than this lol
The issue with Trump debating Biden is that Trump likes to go on the offensive which allows Biden to gain sympathy which hides his deficiencies.

The correct debate style to debate Biden would be to ask complex questions and dare Biden to keep up intellectually. Unfortunately for Trump, he is a moron and that tactic is beyond his capabilities.

Someone like Vivek in a debate would have made Biden look way worse than Trump ever could.