Former UFC fighter shot tonight

Sucks to hear that. Hope him and his son are ok.
Awful news. I remember playing as Mikey on the UFC on Dreamcast video game. He seemed real cool on TUF too.
Talk about a bad life:

-Got screwed out of a UFC Title
-Broke his Neck after coming back into MMA
-Insurance refused to pay for the surgery
-UFC refused to pay for surgery (Rightfully so if it was due to running into wall)
-Had his ear removed
-Him and his son get's shot outside of a shitty girls gym

Hope they both will recover.
That sucks.

Hope he and his son are okay.
I sincerely hope he and his son pull through and make a full recovery, terrible news.

I also feel really bad because I was barely able to stop myself from making fun of him for going to Planet Fitness.
Shot 3 times in the abdomen and is apparently going to be ok, dude is lucky.
Doesn't sound like attempted robbery, sounds like attempted murder.
That sucks. You never know whats around the corner and should always be ready. Sometimes being ready still isn't enough though.
Crazy stuff.. I have a lot of good memories with mikey and used to coach against Freddy quite a bit. Very very good people. Had a nasty rivalry with one of mikeys long time pupils and when I beat him mikey picked me up in the cage and told me he loved me and that I was a special fighter... Will never forget that moment.
I hope the dude that did it gets shot with the tax payer relief shot.

Hope Mikey and his son pull through, this is rough sh1t to get over.
He is super cool guy with such a bad luck in life.I am glad that they will be ok.
Wrong place wrong time, always happens to the good guys..