Flipping Turtle with Hooks In


White Belt
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
There's this pretty big guy at the club and I was playing butterfly->arm drag and I immediately went for the harness grip and a hook, and the other hook. Both hooks are in, and I have a harness/seat belt over-under. How do I flip him for back mount without having to take my hooks out? I know of only turnovers from the outside. Or better yet, tips on getting the choke without losing my balance?
I know one technique where you get you're hooks in from the turtle, then get like a full nelson if you can and fall backwards and that makes it easy to flip the guy over. Make sure to fall back at an angle though, you dont want to pop his knees.
You can flip him, but the way I've done it, you don't have the hooks in. If he is turtled and you have over-under + both hooks, just maintain over-under control and smash your hips down to flatten him out. Use your hooks to spread him back.

Whenever I get 1 hook in + over-under control, I just drag them onto me, keeping my hook as the bottom leg (so, I still need to get the hook on their top leg). Prefer working from there.
IMO, if you have both hooks and harness, and he is on all fours, don't flip.

Being on top is a better position. Press your hips down hard, flatten him, and then work for the choke.

If he posts hard, hook an arm and go for the armbar.