First fight next year how should I change my lifting?

Staring At Fate

Refuse To Lose.
Aug 1, 2008
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I would like to have my first amateur fight by the end of next year and I need help figuring out which exercises are hindering rather then helping me. So you have an idea of what I'm doing in the gym here's a list of exercises I do frequently.

Dumbell Curls
Barbell Curls
Front Soulder Raise
Lateral Raise
Triceps Pushdowns
Skull Crushers
Pull Ups
Chin Ups
Tricep cabel pull downs
Recently started Deadlifting
Recently started Squating
Barbell Front Raises
Dumbell Shrug
Barbell Shrug
Bench Press
Incline Press
One arm dumbell snatches
Overhead press
Leg Curls

When I lift weights I usually do them slowly (Should I be doing them fast?) which I've noticed I have some strength but I also feel pretty slow right now I weigh about 151 pounds. I plan on joining the wrestling team next year and I've noticed a lot of the guys seem to body build but a lot of them aren't planning on fighting just competing in wrestling. I've looked at different routines starting strength etc but I feel like I should be doing exercises.
Even a Noob like me can see you're doing way, way too many exercises if you're planning on competing in any martial art.

Lose the vast majority of isolation exercises and build a routine that's based on the Big Three plus Military Press and Chin/Pull Ups. If you don't want to run SS, fine. There are plenty of other good programs; the 2 and 3 day splits in the FAQ, 5/3/1, W4SB's etc.
read FAQ for a better routine

and u should lift weight as fast as u can, even if the weight moves slow. but obv not to the point where u hyperextend badly if u use lighter weight.
not enough exercises. Wheres the one legged squats on a bosu ball while being a with a stick by a man with a fu-manchu mustache.

Serious note: Read the faqs you have it way to overcomplicated. Starting Strength is probably gonna be a good start for you.
now i asked this same question last week and everyone ripped on me, must of been that tiem of the month
Q: Why did my thread get closed?

A: Check the forbidden threads sticky, the chances are that it contravened these rules and that
Didn't see anything in the FAQ that related to my situation.
Then you didn't read it...

There's about 10 routines that are actually good....lots of advice about lifting, a big list of exercises that are good, information on numerous ways of structuring a workout and those exercises into days/sets/reps, how to periodize the workout and get stronger, how to eat, blah blah blah
Then you didn't read it...

There's about 10 routines that are actually good
....lots of advice about lifting, a big list of exercises that are good, information on numerous ways of structuring a workout and those exercises into days/sets/reps, how to periodize the workout and get stronger, how to eat, blah blah blah

That many?

SS and it's variations, 5/3/1, Westside, W4SB, Sheiko, 20 Rep Squats...that's all I can think of.
That many?

SS and it's variations, 5/3/1, Westside, W4SB, Sheiko, 20 Rep Squats...that's all I can think of.

alright, I'm game. Off the top of my head:

1) SS
2) Stronglifts 5x5
3) Bill Starr 5x5, and it's variations
4) Texas Method
5) Westside
6) WS4SB
7) Sheiko
8) Smolov & Smolov Jr.
9) The russian squat routine
10) WFW novice weightlifting routine
11) 20 rep squats
12) Hepburn
13) Escalating density training
14) Timed Total Tonnage
15) Wendler 5/3/1
16) Christy 5/3/1

That said, some of the above aren't really routines per se. Westside and Sheiko are more like a system of princples and methods (I think the Wendler 5/3/1 is already somewhat like that, and will become that way more so overtime). And some are methods for training particular lifts, and aren't a complete routine, like timed total tonnage.
Good points well presented, Tosa. And I should have remembered Hepburn.

What's the difference between the Wendler and Christie 5/3/1 programs?